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Java Documentation
1. Install JDK
2. Install an IDE
3. Install Library
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Setting up Dr. Java

1. If Dr. Java isn't already running, find the file you downloaded and double-click it again to start the program.
2. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.Resource Locations should already be selected. If not, select it.
3. Click the Add button in the middle of the screen. A file selection dialog box will appear. Use it to navigate to the Robots library in C:\java\Robots\. Select the becker.jar file. Click Select.
4. The textfield labeled Extra Classpath should now contain C:\java\Robots\becker.jar. Click OK.
5. On the File menu, choose Open. Use the resulting dialog box to go to the directory C:\java\Robots\examples\ch01\DeliverParcel. Select DeliverParcel.java and click Open.
6. The first Java program from the textbook should appear in the code pane.
7. To run the program:
  • Compile the program by pressing the F5 key. Alternatives include selecting the Compile All Documents from the Tools menu or clicking the Compile All button in the toolbar (it's in the upper right-hand corner of the image on the right).
  • Run the program by pressing the F2 key. An alternative is to select Run Document's Main Method in the Tools menu.
The result should be the program shown on the right. Congratulations! You're ready to start programming!

Contact: bwbecker@learningwithrobots.com.