AbstractModel - Class in becker.util
An implementation of IModel.
AbstractModel() - Constructor for class becker.util.AbstractModel
Create a new AbstractModel.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class becker.robots.AppletRunner
Public because it must be; not meant to be called.
add(Word) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
Add a new word to the list.
addAssignment(String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Add a new assignment to the marks "spreadsheet."
addAssignment(String) - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
addDays(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Add (or subtract, if negative) days from this DateTime.
addHint(Hint) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
addHours(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Add (or subtract, if negative) hours from this DateTime.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class becker.gui.FormLayout
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.
addMinutes(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Add (or subtract, if negative) minutes from this DateTime.
addMonths(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Add (or subtract, if negative) months from this DateTime.
addObserver(IObserver) - Method in interface becker.util.IObservable
Add an observer to a list of observers.
addObserver(IObserver) - Method in class becker.util.Observers
Add another observer to the list.
addObserver(IObserver) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
addSeconds(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Add (or subtract, if negative) seconds from this DateTime.
addSim(Sim) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Add a sim to this intersection.
addStudent(String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Add a new student to the marks "spreadsheet."
addStudent(String) - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
addView(IView) - Method in class becker.util.AbstractModel
Add a view to a list of views.
addView(IView) - Method in interface becker.util.IModel
Add a view to a list of views.
addView(IView) - Method in class becker.util.ViewList
Add another View to the list.
addView(IView) - Method in interface becker.xtras.comboLock.IComboLock
Add a view (graphical user interface) to the lock.
addView(IView) - Method in interface becker.xtras.gasPump.IMeter
Add a view (graphical user interface) to the meter.
addView(IView) - Method in class becker.xtras.gasPump.SampleMeter
addView(IView) - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IPolynomialFunction
Add a view (graphical user interface) to the function.
addView(IView) - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IQuadraticFunction
Add a view (graphical user interface) to the function.
addView(IView) - Method in class becker.xtras.grapher.SamplePolynomialFunction
addView(IView) - Method in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
Add a view (graphical user interface) to the game.
addView(IView) - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
addView(IView) - Method in interface becker.xtras.imageTransformation.ITransformations
Add a view (graphical user interface) to the image transformer.
addView(IView) - Method in class becker.xtras.imageTransformation.SampleTransformations
addView(IView) - Method in class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameSurferModel
addView(IView) - Method in interface becker.xtras.radio.ITuner
Add a view (graphical user interface) to the tuner.
addView(IView) - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.SampleTuner
addView(IView) - Method in interface becker.xtras.tollBooth.ITollBooth
Add a view (graphical user interface) to the meter.
addView(IView) - Method in class becker.xtras.tollBooth.SampleTollBooth
Add a new view that is observing this object.
addYears(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Add (or subtract, if negative) years from this DateTime.
aFlasher - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Flasher.
aLight - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Light.
ALIGN_BOTTOMS - Static variable in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Vertically align the bottoms of the components.
ALIGN_CENTERS - Static variable in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Vertically align the centers of the components.
ALIGN_TOPS - Static variable in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Vertically align the tops of the components.
AnimatedIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
An AnimatedIcon displays a sequence of icons, giving the appearance of movement or action.
AnimatedIcon(Sim, Icon[], int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.AnimatedIcon
Construct an AnimatedIcon which displays the Icons in the given array in order.
anyFlasher - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Flasher or a subclass of Flasher.
anyLight - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Light or a subclass of Light.
anyRobot - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Robot or a subclass of Robot.
anyStreetlight - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Streetlight or a subclass of Streetlight.
anyThing - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Thing or a subclass of Thing.
anyWall - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Wall or a subclass of Wall.
AppletRunner - Class in becker.robots
There are two ways to display a Robot program on a web page, both are documented here.
AppletRunner() - Constructor for class becker.robots.AppletRunner
applyTransforms(Graphics2D, int, int, double, double) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.CompositeIcon
applyTransforms(Graphics2D, int, int, double, double) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Apply translations, scaling and rotation to g2 in preparation for rendering the image.
aRobot - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Robot.
arrival(int) - Method in interface becker.xtras.tollBooth.ITollBooth
A vehicle with the given weight has arrived at the toll booth.
arrival(int) - Method in class becker.xtras.tollBooth.SampleTollBooth
A vehicle with the given weight has arrived at the toll booth.
aStreetlight - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Streetlight.
aThing - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Thing.
aWall - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether something is a Wall.


becker.gui - package becker.gui
Classes to help create graphical user interfaces.
becker.robots - package becker.robots
Karel the Robot provides a gentle introduction to object-oriented programming via a simple robot which can move, turn left, pick things up, transport them and put them down again.
becker.robots.icons - package becker.robots.icons
Icons used to display robots, intersections, and other things in the robot world.
becker.util - package becker.util
Provides generally useful utilities for beginning programmers.
becker.xtras.comboLock - package becker.xtras.comboLock
The comboLock package provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for a combination lock that uses an instance of a student-written class implementing the IComboLock interface.
becker.xtras.gasPump - package becker.xtras.gasPump
The gasPump package provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for a gas pump that uses three instances of a student-written class implementing the IMeter interface.
becker.xtras.grapher - package becker.xtras.grapher
The grapher package provides a graphical user interface to graph mathematical functions which implement one of three Java interfaces: IFunction, IQuadraticFunction, or IPolynomialFunction.
becker.xtras.hangman - package becker.xtras.hangman
Provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for a game of Hangman that uses an instance of a student-written class implementing the IHangman interface.
becker.xtras.imageTransformation - package becker.xtras.imageTransformation
The imageTransformation package provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for a student-written class to transform images using a two-dimensional array of integers.
becker.xtras.jotto - package becker.xtras.jotto
Jotto is a game program where students may contribute some of the code.
becker.xtras.marks - package becker.xtras.marks
Provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for a student-written class to maintain assignment marks in a two-dimensional array.
becker.xtras.nameSurfer - package becker.xtras.nameSurfer
NameSurfer graphs names and their popularity over time as gathered from United States Social Security Administration data.
becker.xtras.radio - package becker.xtras.radio
Provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for an AM/FM radio using two instances of a student-written class implementing the ITuner interface.
becker.xtras.tollBooth - package becker.xtras.tollBooth
The tollBooth package provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for a highway toll booth simulation that uses an instance of a student-written class implementing the ITollBooth interface.
blocksIntersectionEntry(Direction) - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Does this Thing block the entry of this intersection from the given direction?
blocksIntersectionExit(Direction) - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Does this Thing block the exit of this intersection in the given direction?
breakRobot(String) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
This method is called when the robot does something illegal such as trying to move through a wall or picking up a non-existant object.
BrokenIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
An icon that breaks or fragments another icon.
BrokenIcon(Icon) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.BrokenIcon
Construct a broken icon.


calcTotalCost() - Method in interface becker.xtras.gasPump.IMeter
Calculate the total cost of fuel sold to this customer.
calcTotalCost() - Method in class becker.xtras.gasPump.SampleMeter
canBeCarried - Static variable in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
A predicate to test whether the Thing is something that a robot can carry.
canBeCarried() - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Can this thing be picked up, carried, and put down by a robot?
canPickThing() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Determine whether this robot is on the same intersection as a thing it can pick up.
CENTER - Static variable in class becker.gui.LedDisplay
Display the text in the center of the LedDisplay.
CircleIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
A circular icon.
CircleIcon(Color) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.CircleIcon
Construct a new CircleIcon.
CircleIcon(Color, double) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.CircleIcon
Construct a new CircleIcon.
City - Class in becker.robots
A city contains intersections joined by streets and avenues.
City() - Constructor for class becker.robots.City
Construct a new city using the defaults stored in the becker.robots.ini initialization file.
City(int, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.City
Construct a new City which displays streets 0 through numVisibleStreets-1 and avenues 0 through numVisibleAvenues-1.
City(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.City
Construct a new City which displays streets firstVisibleStreet through numVisibleStreets-1 and avenues firstVisibleAvenue through numVisibleAvenues-1.
City(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.City
Construct a new City.
City(String) - Constructor for class becker.robots.City
Construct a new city by reading information to construct it from a file.
City(Scanner) - Constructor for class becker.robots.City
Construct a new city by reading information to construct it from a file.
CityView - Class in becker.robots
A graphical view of the city and its contents, including scrollbars to reveal different parts of the city.
CityView(City, Rectangle, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.CityView
ckEquals(String, int, int) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check two integers for equality.
ckEquals(String, double, double, double) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check two doubles for equality within a specified tolerance.
ckEquals(String, double, double) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check two doubles for equality, using EPSILON as a tolerance.
ckEquals(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check two booleans for equality.
ckEquals(String, char, char) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check two characters for equality.
ckEquals(String, String, String) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check two strings for equality.
ckEquals(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check two Objects for equality using the .equals method.
ckEqualsIgnoreCase(String, String, String) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check two strings for equality, ignoring any differences in case.
ckIdentical(String, Object, Object) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check that two Objects are identical using ==.
ckIsBetween(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check an integer is between a given minimum and maximum.
ckIsBetween(String, double, double, double) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check that a double is between a given minimum and maximum.
ckIsBetween(String, char, char, char) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check that a char is between a given minimum and maximum.
ckIsBetween(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check that a String is between a given minimum and maximum.
ckIsNotNull(String, Object) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check that a value is not null.
ckIsNull(String, Object) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Check that a value is null.
clearGraph() - Method in interface becker.xtras.nameSurfer.INameSurferModel
Clear the set of names to graph.
clearGraph() - Method in class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameSurferModel
clone() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Clone this Date/Time object to produce another one, just like it.
collectCoin(double) - Method in interface becker.xtras.tollBooth.ITollBooth
Collect a coin in payment for the toll.
collectCoin(double) - Method in class becker.xtras.tollBooth.SampleTollBooth
Collect a coin in payment for the toll.
colorArea(IntersectionIcon.Area, Color) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.IntersectionIcon
Change the color of one area of the intersection.
colorNonRoads(Color) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.IntersectionIcon
Color the areas of this intersection that are not roads.
colorRoads(Color) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.IntersectionIcon
Color the roads on this intersection.
ComboLockGUI - Class in becker.xtras.comboLock
A graphical user interface (GUI) for a combination lock.
ComboLockGUI(IComboLock) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.comboLock.ComboLockGUI
Construct a user interface to display the state of a combination lock object.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Compare two DateTime objects.
componentIcon(int) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.CompositeIcon
Obtain a reference to one of the component icons, perhaps so it can be modified.
componentIcon(IntersectionIcon.Area) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.IntersectionIcon
Return a reference to an icon representing one component of the intersection: the center of the intersection, the street entering from the east, or the southwest corner, for instance.
CompositeIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
A CompositeIcon is composed of two or more icons which, taken together, form the desired icon.
CompositeIcon(Icon, Icon) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.CompositeIcon
Construct a new CompositeIcon out of two icons.
CompositeIcon(Icon[]) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.CompositeIcon
Construct a new CompositeIcon out of an array of icons.
contains(String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IWordList
Does the list of words contain a word-difficulty pair with the given word?
contains(String) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
countMatches(String, String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IGuessEvaluator
Count the number of exact and partial matches in a pair of words.
countMatches(String, String) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleGuessEvaluator
countSims(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Determine the number of sims currently on this intersection that match the given predicate.
countThings() - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Determine the number of Things currently on this intersection.
countThingsInBackpack() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
How many things are in this robot's backpack?
countThingsInBackpack(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
How many of a specific kind of thing are in this robot's backpack?
countThingsInBackpack(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
createDefaultModel() - Method in class becker.gui.JIntField
customizeIntersection(Intersection) - Method in class becker.robots.City
Customize an intersection, perhaps by adding Things to it.


DATE_AND_TIME - Static variable in class becker.util.DateTime
Cause format(...) to return the date and time.
DATE_ONLY - Static variable in class becker.util.DateTime
Cause format(...) to return the date only.
DateTime - Class in becker.util
A class to represent an instant in time that is simpler to use than either Date or GregorianCalendar.
DateTime() - Constructor for class becker.util.DateTime
Construct a new date object representing the current instant in time.
DateTime(int, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.util.DateTime
Construct a new date object representing the given year, month, and day.
DateTime(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.util.DateTime
Construct a new date object representing the given year, month, and day.
DateTime(Scanner) - Constructor for class becker.util.DateTime
Read a date from in, leaving the file cursor immediately after the date.
DateTime(DateTime) - Constructor for class becker.util.DateTime
Construct a new DateTime object that represents the same date as dt.
daysUntil(DateTime) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Calculate the number of days until another date.
departure() - Method in interface becker.xtras.tollBooth.ITollBooth
A vehicle has departed from the toll booth.
departure() - Method in class becker.xtras.tollBooth.SampleTollBooth
A vehicle has departed from the toll booth.
DIFFICULTY - Static variable in class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
The hint requires a word difficulty level to determine if a word should be included.
Direction - Enum in becker.robots
Constants which define directions in the robot city.


entryIsBlocked(Direction) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Determine whether something on this intersection blocks robots from entering the intersection from the given direction.
EPSILON - Static variable in class becker.util.Test
The default value for testing doubles for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Determine whether this Date/Time is equal to another.
eval(double) - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IFunction
Evaluate the function for a given value of x.
eval(double) - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IPolynomialFunction
Evaluate the function for a given value of x.
eval(double) - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IQuadraticFunction
Evaluate the function for a given value of x.
eval(double) - Method in class becker.xtras.grapher.SamplePolynomialFunction
examineLights() - Method in class becker.robots.City
Examine all the Light objects in this city, one at a time.
examineLights(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Examine all the lights on this intersection that match the given predicate, one at a time.
examineLights() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Examine all the Light objects, one at a time, that are on the same intersection as this robot.
examineRobots() - Method in class becker.robots.City
Examine all the other Robots, one at a time, that are on the same intersection as this robot.
examineRobots(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Examine all the robots on this intersection that match the given predicate, one at a time.
examineRobots() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Examine all the other Robots, one at a time, that are on the same intersection as this robot.
examineThings() - Method in class becker.robots.City
Examine all the Things in this City, one at a time.
examineThings(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.City
Examine all the Things, one at a time, that are in this city and match the provided predicate.
examineThings() - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Examine all the Things that are on this intersection, one at a time.
examineThings(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Examine all the things on this intersection that match the given predicate, one at a time.
examineThings() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Examine all the Things, one at a time, that are on the same intersection as this robot.
examineThings(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Examine all the Things, one at a time, that are on the same intersection as this robot and match the provided predicate.
exitIsBlocked(Direction) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Determine whether something on this intersection blocks robots from exiting the intersection.


fail(String) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Indicate that a test failed.
find(String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.nameSurfer.INameList
Find the information for the given name.
find(String) - Method in class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameList
FIRST_LETTER - Static variable in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
The first letter that can be guessed.
FIRST_LETTER - Static variable in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
Flasher - Class in becker.robots
A flasher is commonly used to mark construction hazards on streets and avenues.
Flasher(City, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Flasher
Construct a new flasher, initially turned off.
Flasher(City, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Flasher
Construct a new flasher.
Flasher(Robot) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Flasher
Construct a new flasher held by a robot.
FlasherIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
Display the current state of a Flasher, based on the flasher's current state.
FlasherIcon(Sim, Color, Color, Color, double, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.FlasherIcon
Construct a new FlasherIcon.
FlasherIcon(Sim, double) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.FlasherIcon
Construct a new FlasherIcon with default colors and flash rate.
FlasherIcon(Sim, double, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.FlasherIcon
Construct a new FlasherIcon with default colors.
FlasherIcon(Sim) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.FlasherIcon
Construct a new FlasherIcon with default colors, size and flash rate.
forfeit() - Method in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
The user has given up and forfeited the game.
forfeit() - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
format() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Format the date and/or time as a string according to the current settings established by setFormatInclude and setFormatLength.
FormLayout - Class in becker.gui
A layout manager that arranges components in a double column.
FormLayout() - Constructor for class becker.gui.FormLayout
Construct a new FormLayout object.
FormLayout(int, int) - Constructor for class becker.gui.FormLayout
Construct a new FormLayout object.
frontIsClear() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Can this robot to move forward to the next intersection safely?


GallowsView - Class in becker.xtras.hangman
Draw the gallows for the game of Hangman, showing how many wrong guesses the player has had and a message if the game is over.
GallowsView(IHangman) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.hangman.GallowsView
Construct the view.
GasPumpGUI - Class in becker.xtras.gasPump
A graphical user interface to simulate a gas pump.
GasPumpGUI(IMeter, IMeter, IMeter, String) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.gasPump.GasPumpGUI
Create a new graphical user interface for a gas pump.
getA() - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IQuadraticFunction
Get the current value of coefficient a
getAmountOwed() - Method in interface becker.xtras.tollBooth.ITollBooth
Get the amount still owed for the current vehicle's toll.
getAmountOwed() - Method in class becker.xtras.tollBooth.SampleTollBooth
Get the amount still owed for the current vehicle's toll.
getArgumentType() - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
Get the argument type for this hint, as given to the constructor.
getAssignmentCalculationNames() - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Get the names of the calculations provided for assignments.
getAssignmentCalculationNames() - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
getAssignmentNames() - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Get the names of all the assignments.
getAssignmentNames() - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
getAvenue() - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
The avenue intersecting this intersection.
getAvenue() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Which avenue is this robot on?
getB() - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IQuadraticFunction
Get the current value of coefficient b
getC() - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IQuadraticFunction
Get the current value of coefficient c
getCity() - Method in class becker.robots.Sim
Returns a reference to this sim's city.
getCityView() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Get a component that shows the city and the city's scrollbars.
getCoefficients() - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IPolynomialFunction
Get the coefficients for this polynomial.
getCoefficients() - Method in class becker.xtras.grapher.SamplePolynomialFunction
getColor() - Method in interface becker.robots.IColor
Return this object's current color.
getColor() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.AnimatedIcon
Returns null.
getColor() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.BrokenIcon
getColor() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.CompositeIcon
Returns null.
getColor() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.FlasherIcon
Get the color of the flasher's base.
getColor() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Get this icon's current color.
getColor() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.IntersectionIcon
Returns the color of the central road area.
getColor() - Method in class becker.robots.Sim
Get this sim's color.
getControlPanel() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Get a panel grouping the start/stop button and speed slider together
getDay() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Get the day.
getDegree() - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IPolynomialFunction
Get the degree of this polynomial.
getDegree() - Method in class becker.xtras.grapher.SamplePolynomialFunction
getDescription() - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
Get the description for this hint as given to the constructor.
getDifficulty() - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.Word
Get the difficulty level.
getDirection() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Which direction is this robot facing?
getExact() - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.MatchCount
Get the number of exact matches between the two words.
getFrequency() - Method in interface becker.xtras.radio.ITuner
Get this tuner's current frequency.
getFrequency() - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.Radio
Get this radio's current frequency.
getGuessedPhrase() - Method in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
Return the phrase that has been guessed so far.
getGuessedPhrase() - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
getGuessHistory() - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IHintData
Get the history of guesses made by the user to use in processing hints.
getHgap() - Method in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Get the horizontal gap between components.
getHintWords(int, IHintData) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
Get the words to display as the hint.
getHintWords(int, IHintData) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintConsistentWithGuesses
getHintWords(int, IHintData) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintWithAllLetters
getHintWords(int, IHintData) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintWithSomeLetters
getHour() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Get the hour.
getIcon() - Method in class becker.robots.Sim
Return the icon used to display the visible characteristics of this sim, based on the sim's current state.
getImage(int, int, double) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.AnimatedIcon
Get the image for the current icon.
getImage(int, int, double) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Get this icon's image with a preferred size (in pixels).
getInt() - Method in class becker.gui.JIntField
Get the integer entered into this text field.
getIntersection(int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.City
Obtain a reference to a specified intersection within this city.
getIntersection() - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Return this intersection.
getIntersection() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Return a reference to this robot's intersection.
getIntersection() - Method in class becker.robots.Sim
Return the intersection where this Sim is located.
getIntersection() - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Return a reference to this thing's intersection.
getKnownWords() - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IHintData
Get the list of words known to the game.
getLabel() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Get the label currently being displayed on this icon.
getLabel() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.LabelIcon
getLabel() - Method in interface becker.robots.ILabel
Get the label for this object.
getLabel() - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Get the label for this intersection.
getLabel() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
What is the string labeling this robot?
getLabel() - Method in interface becker.xtras.gasPump.IMeter
Get the label for this meter's fuel.
getLabel() - Method in class becker.xtras.gasPump.SampleMeter
getLeftAvenue() - Method in class becker.robots.CityView
Get the avenue to display at the origin.
getLetter() - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IHintData
Get the letter specified by the user for the hint.
getLetters() - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IHintData
Get the letters specified by the user for the hint.
getMark(String, String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Get a mark for a particular student and assignment.
getMark(String, String) - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
getMenuBar() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Get the menu bar for the user interface.
getMinute() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Get the minute.
getMonth() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Get the month.
getName() - Method in interface becker.xtras.nameSurfer.INameInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameInfo
Get the name.
getNameSet() - Method in interface becker.xtras.nameSurfer.INameSurferModel
Get the set of names to graph.
getNameSet() - Method in class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameSurferModel
getNeighbor(Direction) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
The intersection neighboring this one in the given direction.
getNowInstance() - Static method in class becker.util.DateTime
Get an instance representing the current date and time.
getNumErrors() - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Get the number of errors found in this program.
getOctane() - Method in interface becker.xtras.gasPump.IMeter
Get the octane rating of the fuel.
getOctane() - Method in class becker.xtras.gasPump.SampleMeter
getPartial() - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.MatchCount
Get the number of partial matches between the two words.
getPixels() - Method in interface becker.xtras.imageTransformation.ITransformations
Get the image that was transformed.
getPixels() - Method in class becker.xtras.imageTransformation.SampleTransformations
getRanking(int) - Method in interface becker.xtras.nameSurfer.INameInfo
Find the ranking of this name for the given decade.
getRanking(int) - Method in class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameInfo
Find the ranking of this name for the given decade.
getRelativeURL(String) - Static method in class becker.util.Utilities
Construct a URL relative to the program's working directory.
getRotation() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Get number of radians this icon is rotated.
getSecond() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Get the second.
getSignalStrength() - Method in interface becker.xtras.radio.ITuner
Get the strength of the signal currently being received.
getSignalStrength() - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.Radio
Get the strength of the signal currently being received.
getSimSize() - Method in class becker.robots.CityView
The number of pixels square that each Sim (intersection, robot, etc) occupies.
getSize() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Get the relative size of this icon.
getSource() - Method in class becker.robots.StateChangeEvent
Which Sim generated the event?
getSpeed() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
How many moves and/or turns does this robot complete in one second?
getSpeedSlider() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Get a slider to control the speed of the animation.
getStartStopButton() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Get a button to start and stop the animation
getStreet() - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
The street intersecting this intersection.
getStreet() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Which street is this robot on?
getStudentCalculationNames() - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Get the names of the calculations provided for students.
getStudentCalculationNames() - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
getStudentNames() - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Get the names of the students.
getStudentNames() - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
getThingCountPredicate() - Method in class becker.robots.City
Get the predicate used to show counts on the city's intersections.
getTime() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Return an object that can be passed to an instance of DateFormat.
getTodayInstance() - Static method in class becker.util.DateTime
Get an instance representing today (time fields set to midnight).
getTopStreet() - Method in class becker.robots.CityView
Get the street to display at the origin.
getTotalCollected() - Method in interface becker.xtras.tollBooth.ITollBooth
Get the total amount collected in tolls.
getTotalCollected() - Method in class becker.xtras.tollBooth.SampleTollBooth
Get the total amount collected in tolls.
getTotalVehicles() - Method in interface becker.xtras.tollBooth.ITollBooth
Get the total number of vehicles that have passed.
getTotalVehicles() - Method in class becker.xtras.tollBooth.SampleTollBooth
Get the total number of vehicles that have passed.
getTransformationNames() - Method in interface becker.xtras.imageTransformation.ITransformations
A array filled with the names of the transformations implemented by this class.
getTransformationNames() - Method in class becker.xtras.imageTransformation.SampleTransformations
getTransparency() - Method in interface becker.robots.IColor
Get this object's current transparency.
getTransparency() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Get this icon's current transparency.
getTransparency() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Get this robot's transparency.
getType() - Method in class becker.robots.StateChangeEvent
What type of event was it?
getUI() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Get a panel grouping the city's view with the traditional control panel.
getUnitCost() - Method in interface becker.xtras.gasPump.IMeter
Get the cost per unit of fuel.
getUnitCost() - Method in class becker.xtras.gasPump.SampleMeter
getVolumeSold() - Method in interface becker.xtras.gasPump.IMeter
Get the volume of fuel sold to this customer.
getVolumeSold() - Method in class becker.xtras.gasPump.SampleMeter
getWord() - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.Guess
Get the word the user guessed.
getWord(IWordPredicate) - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IWordList
Find one word that passes the given test; the test is typically given by a Hint object (which implements IWordPredicate).
getWord(IWordPredicate) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
getWord() - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.Word
Get the word.
getWords(IWordPredicate) - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IWordList
Find all the words that pass the given test; the test is typically given by a Hint object (which implements IWordPredicate).
getWords(int, IWordPredicate) - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IWordList
Find at most maxDesired words that pass the given test; the test is typically given by a Hint object (which implements IWordPredicate).
getWords(IWordPredicate) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
getWords(int, IWordPredicate) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
getYear() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Get the year.
getYValues(double, double, int) - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IPolynomialFunction
Get evenly distributed values for f(x) for all the values of x between minX and maxX.
getYValues(double, double, int) - Method in class becker.xtras.grapher.SamplePolynomialFunction
getZoom() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Get a component that causes the view to zoom in on the city
GrapherGUI - Class in becker.xtras.grapher
GrapherGUI provides a user interface for graphing mathematical functions when supplied with an instance of a student-written class implementing one of the three interfaces IFunction, IQuadraticFunction and IPolynomialFunction.
GrapherGUI(IFunction) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.grapher.GrapherGUI
Construct a GUI for an object implementing the Function interface.
GrapherGUI(IQuadraticFunction) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.grapher.GrapherGUI
Construct a GUI for an object implementing the QuadraticFunction interface.
GrapherGUI(IPolynomialFunction) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.grapher.GrapherGUI
Construct a GUI for an object implementing the PolynomialFunction interface.
graphName(String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.nameSurfer.INameSurferModel
Find the popularity rankings for the given name and add it to the set of names to graph.
graphName(String) - Method in class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameSurferModel
Guess - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
Represent one guess that has been made: the word guessed, and the number of exact and partial matches between that word and the target word.
Guess(String, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.Guess
Construct the object.
GUESSES - Static variable in class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
The hint requires an array the user's previous guesses to determine if a word should be included.


HangmanGUI - Class in becker.xtras.hangman
A graphical user interface for the game of Hangman.
HangmanGUI(IHangman) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.hangman.HangmanGUI
Construct the UI.
hasChanged() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.CompositeIcon
hasChanged() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Has this icon changed since it was last rendered?
hashCode() - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Used internally.
hashCode() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Returns a hash code for this object for use in HashSet and related collections.
Hint - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
A Hint object is used to specify one kind of hint to a Jotto player.
Hint(String, int) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
Construct a hint object.


IColor - Interface in becker.robots
An interface to add a color property to various robot entities.
IComboLock - Interface in becker.xtras.comboLock
An interface for a combination lock object.
Icon - Class in becker.robots.icons
Icons are used to display Robots, Intersections and Things.
Icon() - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Construct a new, full-sized, transparent icon.
Icon(double) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Construct a new icon of the specified size.
Icon(Color) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Construct a new icon of the specified color.
Icon(double, Color) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Construct a new icon of the specified size and color.
IFunction - Interface in becker.xtras.grapher
Objects implementing the IFunction interface represent a mathematical function, say f(x).
IGuessEvaluator - Interface in becker.xtras.jotto
Evaluate a guess made by the user against the target word.
IHangman - Interface in becker.xtras.hangman
Objects implementing IHangman are used to play the game of Hangman.
IHintData - Interface in becker.xtras.jotto
Get the data needed by the hint classes to generate the hints.
IIterate<Element> - Interface in becker.robots
The IIterate interface allows the same method to provide an iterator and to be used in a foreach loop.
ILabel - Interface in becker.robots
An interface to provide colored entities in the robot world.
ImageTransformerGUI - Class in becker.xtras.imageTransformation
The ImageTransformerGUI provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for transforming graphic images via a class implementing ITransformations provided to its constructor.
ImageTransformerGUI(ITransformations) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.imageTransformation.ImageTransformerGUI
Create a GUI that allows manipulation of images.
IMarks - Interface in becker.xtras.marks
An interface to model a "spreadsheet" recording student assignment marks.
IMeter - Interface in becker.xtras.gasPump
Objects implementing IMeter are used to measure the volume of fuel delivered to a customer at a gas pump.
IModel - Interface in becker.util
Classes implementing IModel have a standard protocol for adding views (such as a graphical user interfaces).
INameInfo - Interface in becker.xtras.nameSurfer
Objects implementing INameInfo record information about a name and the popularity of that name over time.
INameList - Interface in becker.xtras.nameSurfer
Objects implementing INameList are used to collect names with popularity rankings to be graphed in the NameSurfer application.
INameSurferModel - Interface in becker.xtras.nameSurfer
init() - Method in class becker.robots.AppletRunner
Public because it must be; not meant to be called.
Intersection - Class in becker.robots
Karel the Robot lives in a city composed of intersections connected by roads.
Intersection(City, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Intersection
Construct a new intersection.
IntersectionIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
An icon to display an intersection.
IntersectionIcon(Color, Color) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.IntersectionIcon
Construct a new icon.
IntersectionIcon.Area - Enum in becker.robots.icons
An enumeration to specify the different areas of an IntersectionIcon.
IObservable - Interface in becker.util
Classes that are observed by others, as in the classic Model-View pattern, should implement the IObservable interface.
IObserver - Interface in becker.util
A class implementing IObserver is usually registered with a class implementing IObservable.
IPolynomialFunction - Interface in becker.xtras.grapher
A polynomial function, f(x), has a number of terms, each of the form aixi.
IPredicate - Interface in becker.robots
A predicate says whether something is true or false about a Sim.
IQuadraticFunction - Interface in becker.xtras.grapher
A quadratic function, f(x), has the form ax2 + bx1 + cx0, or more simply, ax2 + bx + c where the coefficients a, b, and c are real numbers.
isAfter(DateTime) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Determine whether this Date/Time is after another.
isBefore(DateTime) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Determine whether this Date/Time is before another.
isBesideThing(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Determine whether this robot is on the same intersection as one or more instances of the specified kind of thing.
isBesideThing(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
isFacingEast() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Determine whether the robot is facing east.
isFacingNorth() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Determine whether the robot is facing north.
isFacingSouth() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Determine whether the robot is facing south.
isFacingWest() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Determine whether the robot is facing west.
isLocked() - Method in interface becker.xtras.comboLock.IComboLock
Test whether or not the lock is locked.
isOK(Sim) - Method in interface becker.robots.IPredicate
Return true if a certain condition is true about theSim; false otherwise.
isOK(Word) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
Override this method to specify whether or not the Word w is an acceptable answer for this hint.
isOK(Word) - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IWordPredicate
Does the given Word meet a condition?
isOK(Word) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintConsistentWithGuesses
isOK(Word) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintContainsLetter
isOK(Word) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintWithAllLetters
isOK(Word) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintWithoutLetter
isOK(Word) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintWithSomeLetters
isOn() - Method in class becker.robots.Light
Determine whether or not the light is turned on.
isShowingThingCounts() - Method in class becker.robots.City
Is the city showing the number of Things and Robots on each intersection?
ITollBooth - Interface in becker.xtras.tollBooth
Objects implementing ITollBooth are used to collect tolls from passing vehicles on a highway.
ITransformations - Interface in becker.xtras.imageTransformation
Classes implementing the ITransformations interface can be used with the ImageTransformerGUI class to transform grey-scale images.
ITuner - Interface in becker.xtras.radio
A tuner is a kind of radio that allows the user to adjust the current frequency up or down or to seek the next station with an adequate signal strength.
IView - Interface in becker.util
The IView interface provides a standard protocol for a model to notify a view of changes.
IWordList - Interface in becker.xtras.jotto
Classes implementing IWordList provide a list of word-difficulty pairs (Word objects).
IWordPredicate - Interface in becker.xtras.jotto
Classes implementing IWordPredicate are used to find out whether or not a given word meets some criteria determined by the implementation of IWordPredicate.isOK(Word w).


JIntField - Class in becker.gui
JIntField is just like a JTextField except that it will accept only integers in the range Integer.MIN_VALUE..Integer.MAX_VALUE.
JIntField(int) - Constructor for class becker.gui.JIntField
Constructs a new empty JIntField with the specified number of columns.
JIntField() - Constructor for class becker.gui.JIntField
Constructs a new JIntField.
JIntField(int, int) - Constructor for class becker.gui.JIntField
Constructs a new JIntField with the specified number of columns and sets the initial value to the given value.
JottoGUI - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
A graphical user interface for the game of Jotto.
JottoGUI(JottoModel) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoGUI
Construct a graphical user interface for Jotto.
JottoModel - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
JottoModel plays a game of Jotto.
JottoModel() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
JottoModel(IWordList) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
JottoModel(IWordList, IGuessEvaluator) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
JottoModel(String, IWordList, IGuessEvaluator) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
Create a new instance of JottoModel to play the game.
JUSTIFY_CENTER - Static variable in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Position the components in the center of the container.
JUSTIFY_LEFT - Static variable in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Position the components as far left as possible within the container.
JUSTIFY_RIGHT - Static variable in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Position the components as far right as possible within the container.


keyTyped(char) - Method in class becker.robots.City
This method is called when the city's display has the focus and a key is typed.
keyTyped(char) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotRC
Respond to the following keys in the given manner: KeysResponse m, Mmove r, Rturn right l, Lturn left u, Upick up a thing d, Dput down a thing
keyTyped(char) - Method in class becker.robots.Sim
This method is called when a key is typed and keyboard input is directed to karel's world (the map, as opposed to a different window or the controls for karel's world).


LabelIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
An icon that shown as a printed label.
LabelIcon() - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.LabelIcon
LabelIcon(double, double) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.LabelIcon
Create a new label icon.
LAST_LETTER - Static variable in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
The last letter that can be guessed.
LAST_LETTER - Static variable in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class becker.gui.FormLayout
Lays out the container in the specified panel.
layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Lays out the container in the specified panel.
LedDisplay - Class in becker.gui
A LedDisplay simulates the light-emitting diodes commonly found on clocks, radios, and calculators.
LedDisplay(String) - Constructor for class becker.gui.LedDisplay
Create a LED display according to the given picture where valid characters in the picture include ':' (display a colon) and 'd' (display a digit and possibly a decimal point).
LEFT - Static variable in class becker.gui.LedDisplay
Display the text aligned to the left edge of the LedDisplay.
left() - Method in enum becker.robots.Direction
Which direction {NSEW} is left of this direction? This direction must be one of {NSEW}.
LETTER - Static variable in class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
The hint requires a single letter to determine if a word should be included.
LETTERS - Static variable in class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
The hint requires an array of letters to determine if a word should be included.
LEVELS - Static variable in class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
Light - Class in becker.robots
A light is a kind of thing that can be turned on to make it brighter and turned off to make it darker.
Light(City, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Light
Construct a new light with the same default appearance as a Thing.
Light(City, int, int, Direction, boolean, Icon) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Light
Construct a new light.
Light(Robot) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Light
Construct a new Light held by a robot.
lock() - Method in interface becker.xtras.comboLock.IComboLock
Lock the combination lock, assuming it is currently unlocked.
LONG - Static variable in class becker.util.DateTime
Cause format(...) to use a long format.
lost() - Method in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
Has the player lost the game (had more than MAX_WRONG_GUESSES or has forfeit)?
lost() - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman


main(String[]) - Static method in class becker.gui.LedDisplay
main(String[]) - Static method in enum becker.robots.Direction
main(String[]) - Static method in class becker.xtras.gasPump.SampleMeter
Used to test the class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
main(String[]) - Static method in class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
main(String[]) - Static method in class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
main(String[]) - Static method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleGuessEvaluator
Test the class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintWithoutLetter
Test the class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
Test the class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
main(String[]) - Static method in class becker.xtras.tollBooth.SampleTollBooth
Test the class.
makeIntersection(int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.City
Make an intersection which will appear at the specified avenue and street.
makeThing(int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Make a new thing to place in the Robot's backpack.
markChanged() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.CompositeIcon
markChanged() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Mark this icon as changed so it is rendered again.
MarksGUI - Class in becker.xtras.marks
A graphical user interface to display a "spreadsheet" recording student assignment marks.
MarksGUI(IMarks) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.marks.MarksGUI
Create a new graphical user interface (GUI) to display and edit student marks using the an object provided by the student to store the marks.
MatchCount - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
MatchCount objects report how many exact and partial matches are contained in a pair of words.
MatchCount(int, int) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.MatchCount
Construct a new MatchCount object to report the number of exact and partial matches in two words.
MAX_GUESSES - Static variable in class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
MAX_WRONG_GUESSES - Static variable in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
The number of incorrect guesses the player is allowed to have.
MAX_WRONG_GUESSES - Static variable in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
MazeCity - Class in becker.robots
A MazeCity contains walls in the form of a perfect maze.
MazeCity(int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class becker.robots.MazeCity
Create a city with walls that form a maze.
MazeCity(int, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.MazeCity
Construct a maze of the given size with moderate branching and twistiness.
MEDIUM - Static variable in class becker.util.DateTime
Cause format(...) to use a medium-length format.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class becker.gui.FormLayout
Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
move() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Move this robot from the intersection it currently occupies to the next intersection in the direction it is currently facing, leaving it facing the same direction.
move(int) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Move the given distance.


NEW_GAME - Static variable in class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
newGame(String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
Begin a new game with the player trying to guess the given phrase.
newGame() - Method in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
Begin a new game with a randomly chosen phrase for the player to guess.
newGame() - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
newGame(String) - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
NONE - Static variable in class becker.xtras.jotto.Hint
The hint requires no extra information to determine if a word should be included.
notifyObservers() - Method in class becker.robots.Sim
Notify any observers of this Sim (for instance, the user interface) that it has changed.
notifyObservers(Object) - Method in class becker.robots.Sim
Notify any observers of this Sim (for instance, the user interface) that it has changed.
notifyObservers(Object, Object) - Method in class becker.util.Observers
Notify each of the observers on the list that something has happened to the object they are observing.
NUM_LETTERS - Static variable in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
The number of letters that can be guessed.
NUM_LETTERS - Static variable in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
NUM_LETTERS - Static variable in class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
NUM_PRESETS - Static variable in interface becker.xtras.radio.ITuner
The number of preset frequencies provided by the tuner.
numComponents() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.CompositeIcon
Determine the number of component icons in this composite icon.
numWords() - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IWordList
The number of words in the list.
numWords() - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
numWrongGuesses() - Method in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
How many wrong guesses has the player used?
numWrongGuesses() - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman


Observers - Class in becker.util
An instance of Observers is usually used by a class implementing IObservable to store its list of observers.
Observers() - Constructor for class becker.util.Observers
Construct a new list of observers.
okToLiftGate() - Method in interface becker.xtras.tollBooth.ITollBooth
Determine whether enough has been paid to lift the gate.
okToLiftGate() - Method in class becker.xtras.tollBooth.SampleTollBooth
Determine whether enough has been paid to lift the gate.
opposite() - Method in enum becker.robots.Direction
Which direction is opposite this direction?


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.GallowsView
Paint the component.
paintIcon(Graphics) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Override this method (or Icon.renderImage(java.awt.Graphics2D, int, int)) to specify how this icon looks.
pass(String) - Static method in class becker.util.Test
Indicate that a test passed.
performAssignmentCalculation(String, String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Perform one of the calculations defined for assignments.
performAssignmentCalculation(String, String) - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
performStudentCalculation(String, String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Perform one of the calculations defined for students.
performStudentCalculation(String, String) - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
performTransformation(String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.imageTransformation.ITransformations
Perform the transformation indicated.
performTransformation(String) - Method in class becker.xtras.imageTransformation.SampleTransformations
pickAllThings() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Pick all the moveable things from the current intersection.
pickAllThings(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Pick all of the specified kind of things from the current intersection.
pickThing() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Attempt to pick up a movable thing from the current intersection.
pickThing(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Attempt to pick up a particular kind of thing from the intersection this robot currently occupies.
pickThing(Thing) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Attempt to pick up a particular thing from the intersection this robot currently occupies.
pickThing(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
pickThing(Thing) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class becker.gui.FormLayout
Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified panel given the components in the specified parent container.
processGuess(char) - Method in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
Process a letter the player has guessed.
processGuess(char) - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
pump(double) - Method in interface becker.xtras.gasPump.IMeter
Pump some fuel into a tank.
pump(double) - Method in class becker.xtras.gasPump.SampleMeter
putAllThings() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Put all the things in this robot's backpack down on the current intersection.
putAllThings(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Put all of the specified kind of things from the robot's backpack down on the current intersection.
putThing() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Take something out of the robot's backpack and put it down on the intersection this robot currently occupies.
putThing(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Attempt to take a particular kind of thing out of this robot's backpack and put it on the intersection currently occupied by this robot.
putThing(Thing) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Attempt to put down a particular thing on the intersection this robot currently occupies.
putThing(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
putThing(Thing) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE


quitApp() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Quit the application.


Radio - Class in becker.xtras.radio
A very simple radio that allows the frequency to be adjusted and provides a measure of the signal strength of the station being received, if there is one.
Radio() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.radio.Radio
Construct a new Radio object.
RadioGUI - Class in becker.xtras.radio
A graphical user interface (GUI) for an AM/FM radio.
RadioGUI(ITuner, ITuner) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.radio.RadioGUI
Construct a graphical user interface for an AM/FM radio.
randomWord() - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IWordList
Find a random word.
randomWord(int) - Method in interface becker.xtras.jotto.IWordList
Find a random word with the given difficulty in the list.
randomWord() - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
randomWord(int) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
readFile(String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Read the marks "spreadsheet" from a file.
readFile(String) - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
recallFrequency(int) - Method in interface becker.xtras.radio.ITuner
Recall the frequency associated with a given preset button by a previous call to ITuner.rememberFrequency(int).
recallFrequency(int) - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.SampleTuner
rememberFrequency(int) - Method in interface becker.xtras.radio.ITuner
Remember the current frequency so that it can be later recalled with ITuner.recallFrequency(int).
rememberFrequency(int) - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.SampleTuner
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class becker.gui.FormLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Removes the specified component from the layout.
removeObserver(IObserver) - Method in interface becker.util.IObservable
Remove a specific observer from the list of observers.
removeObserver(IObserver) - Method in class becker.util.Observers
Remove a specific observer from the list.
removeObserver(IObserver) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
removeObservers() - Method in interface becker.util.IObservable
Remove all the observers from the list of observers.
removeObservers() - Method in class becker.util.Observers
Remove all the observers from the list.
removeObservers() - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.JottoModel
removeSim(Sim) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Remove the given Sim (robot, flasher, streetlight, wall, and so on) from this intersection.
removeView(IView) - Method in class becker.util.AbstractModel
Remove a specific view from the list of views.
removeView(IView) - Method in interface becker.util.IModel
Remove a specific view from the list of views.
removeView(IView) - Method in class becker.util.ViewList
Remove a specific view from the list.
removeView(IView) - Method in class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameSurferModel
removeViews() - Method in class becker.util.ViewList
Remove all the views from the list.
renderImage(Graphics2D, int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.AnimatedIcon
Render the image for the current icon.
renderImage(Graphics2D, int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.BrokenIcon
renderImage(Graphics2D, int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.CompositeIcon
renderImage(Graphics2D, int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Override either this method or Icon.paintIcon(java.awt.Graphics) to specify how the icon looks.
renderImage(Graphics2D, int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.LabelIcon
renderImage(Graphics2D, int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.ShapeIcon
reset() - Method in interface becker.xtras.gasPump.IMeter
Reset the meter for a new customer.
reset() - Method in class becker.xtras.gasPump.SampleMeter
RIGHT - Static variable in class becker.gui.LedDisplay
Display the text aligned to the right edge of the LedDisplay.
right() - Method in enum becker.robots.Direction
Which direction {NSEW} is right of this direction? This direction must be one of {NSEW}.
Robot - Class in becker.robots
Robots exist on a rectangular grid of roads and can move, turn left ninety degrees, pick things up, carry things, and put things down.
Robot(City, int, int, Direction) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Robot
Construct a new Robot at the given location in the given city with nothing in its backpack.
Robot(City, int, int, Direction, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Robot
Construct a new Robot at the given location in the given city with the given number of things in its backpack.
RobotException - Exception in becker.robots
Report an error with the operation of a Robot such as running into a wall or attempting to pick or put a thing when it can't.
RobotException(String) - Constructor for exception becker.robots.RobotException
Construct a new instance of RobotException.
RobotIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
An icon used to display a robot.
RobotIcon(Color) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.RobotIcon
Construct a new icon of the given color with the default size.
RobotIcon(Color, double) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.RobotIcon
Construct a new icon with the given color and size.
RobotRC - Class in becker.robots
A Remote Control Robot, RobotRC for short, can be directed from a computer keyboard.
RobotRC(City, int, int, Direction, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.RobotRC
Construct a new RobotRC robot.
RobotRC(City, int, int, Direction) - Constructor for class becker.robots.RobotRC
Construct a new RobotRC robot with nothing in its backpack.
RobotSE - Class in becker.robots
A new kind of robot with extended capabilities such as turnAround, and turnRight.
RobotSE(City, int, int, Direction, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.RobotSE
Construct a new RobotSE.
RobotSE(City, int, int, Direction) - Constructor for class becker.robots.RobotSE
Construct a new RobotSE with nothing in its backpack.
RobotUIComponents - Class in becker.robots
A factory object that provides the major user interface components, making customized user interfaces easy to create.
RobotUIComponents(City) - Constructor for class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Create the components for a default view of the city using the defaults in becker.robots.ini for the visible streets and avenues and intersection size.
RobotUIComponents(City, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Create the components to view a specified section of the city.
RobotUIComponents(City, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.RobotUIComponents
Create the components to view a specified section of the city.
RowLayout - Class in becker.gui
A RowLayout manages the layout of a container's components.
RowLayout() - Constructor for class becker.gui.RowLayout
Construct a new RowLayout layout manager which aligns component bottoms and center justifies the row.
RowLayout(int, int) - Constructor for class becker.gui.RowLayout
Construst a new RowLayout layout manager.


SampleComboLock - Class in becker.xtras.comboLock
A sample class implementing IComboLock interface.
SampleComboLock(int, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.comboLock.SampleComboLock
SampleGuessEvaluator - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
A sample implementation of the guess evaluator.
SampleGuessEvaluator() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleGuessEvaluator
Construct a guess evaluator object
SampleHangman - Class in becker.xtras.hangman
A sample implementation of IHangman used to demonstrate the operation of the game of Hangman.
SampleHangman() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
SampleHintConsistentWithGuesses - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
Provide a hint consisting of words that are consistent with all previous guesses by the user.
SampleHintConsistentWithGuesses(IGuessEvaluator) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintConsistentWithGuesses
SampleHintContainsLetter - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
Provide a hint consisting of all the words that contain a letter specified by the user.
SampleHintContainsLetter() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintContainsLetter
SampleHintWithAllLetters - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
Provide a hint consisting of words that contain all of the letters specified by the user.
SampleHintWithAllLetters() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintWithAllLetters
SampleHintWithoutLetter - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
Provide a hint consisting of words that do not contain the letter specified by the user.
SampleHintWithoutLetter() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintWithoutLetter
SampleHintWithSomeLetters - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
Provide a hint consisting of words that contain some of the letters specified by the user.
SampleHintWithSomeLetters(int) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintWithSomeLetters
Construct the int object.
SampleMarks - Class in becker.xtras.marks
A sample class implementing the IMarks interface.
SampleMarks(String) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
SampleMarks() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
SampleMeter - Class in becker.xtras.gasPump
A sample class implementing the IMeter interface.
SampleMeter(double, int, String) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.gasPump.SampleMeter
Construct a new fuel meter.
SampleNameInfo - Class in becker.xtras.nameSurfer
Information about the popularity of one name.
SampleNameInfo(Scanner) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameInfo
Construct a new NameInfo object.
SampleNameList - Class in becker.xtras.nameSurfer
A list of names and their rankings.
SampleNameList(String) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameList
SampleNameSurferModel - Class in becker.xtras.nameSurfer
The model for the nameSurfer program specifies which names to graph.
SampleNameSurferModel(INameList) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameSurferModel
Construct a new model.
SampleNameSurferView - Class in becker.xtras.nameSurfer
A view that accepts a name from the user and graphs the popularity ranking for that name across time.
SampleNameSurferView(INameSurferModel) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameSurferView
Construct a new view.
SamplePolynomialFunction - Class in becker.xtras.grapher
A sample class implementing the IPolynomialFunction interface.
SamplePolynomialFunction(int) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.grapher.SamplePolynomialFunction
Create a sample polynomial function with the given degree.
SampleTollBooth - Class in becker.xtras.tollBooth
A sample class implementing the ITollBooth interface.
SampleTollBooth() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.tollBooth.SampleTollBooth
SampleTransformations - Class in becker.xtras.imageTransformation
A sample class implementing the ITransformations interface.
SampleTransformations() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.imageTransformation.SampleTransformations
SampleTuner - Class in becker.xtras.radio
A class implementing ITuner, to be used to demonstrate the code students are to write to work with RadioGUI.
SampleTuner(double, double, double) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.radio.SampleTuner
SampleWordList - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
A list of words that can grow as needed.
SampleWordList(Scanner) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
Create a word list from a file.
SampleWordList() - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleWordList
Create an word list by reading from the file included in the becker library.
save(String, PrintWriter) - Method in class becker.robots.City
Save a representation of this city to a file for later use.
save(String, PrintWriter) - Method in class becker.robots.Flasher
Save a representation of this flasher to an output stream.
save(String, PrintWriter) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Save a representation of this intersection to an output stream.
save(String, PrintWriter) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Save a representation of this robot to an output stream.
save(String, PrintWriter) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
save(String, PrintWriter) - Method in class becker.robots.Streetlight
Save a representation of this intersection to an output stream.
save(String, PrintWriter) - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Save a representation of this intersection to an output stream.
save(String, PrintWriter) - Method in class becker.robots.Wall
Save a representation of this intersection to an output stream.
seekDown() - Method in interface becker.xtras.radio.ITuner
Move the frequency down until a station is found with a signal strength of at least 0.5.
seekDown() - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.SampleTuner
seekUp() - Method in interface becker.xtras.radio.ITuner
Move the frequency up until a station is found with a signal strength of at least 0.5.
seekUp() - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.SampleTuner
setArgument(Guess[]) - Method in class becker.xtras.jotto.SampleHintConsistentWithGuesses
setBlocksEntry(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Set whether this thing blocks a robot's entry from the given directions.
setBlocksEntry(Direction, boolean) - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Set whether this thing blocks a robot's entry in the given direction.
setBlocksExit(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Set whether this thing blocks a robot's exit in the given directions.
setBlocksExit(Direction, boolean) - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Set whether this thing blocks a robot's exit in the given direction.
setCanBeCarried(boolean) - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Set whether this thing can be picked up and carried by a robot.
setCoefficients(double[]) - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IPolynomialFunction
Set the coefficients for this polynomial.
setCoefficients(double, double, double) - Method in interface becker.xtras.grapher.IQuadraticFunction
Set the coefficients of the quadratic function, a, b, and c to new values.
setCoefficients(double[]) - Method in class becker.xtras.grapher.SamplePolynomialFunction
setColor(Color) - Method in interface becker.robots.IColor
Set the color for this object
setColor(Color) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.AnimatedIcon
Has no effect.
setColor(Color) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.BrokenIcon
setColor(Color) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.CompositeIcon
Has no effect.
setColor(Color) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.FlasherIcon
Set the color of the flasher's base.
setColor(Color) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Change the color of this icon.
setColor(Color) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.IntersectionIcon
Same as colorRoads.
setColor(Color) - Method in class becker.robots.Sim
Set this sim's color.
setCurrentImage(int) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.AnimatedIcon
Set which image is currently shown.
setDay(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Set the day for this to the given day
setDisplay(String) - Method in class becker.gui.LedDisplay
Set the LED display to the given string.
setFont(Font) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.LabelIcon
setFormatInclude(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Set the data to include in the string returned by format().
setFormatLength(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Set the length of the string returned by format().
setFrameTitle(String) - Method in class becker.robots.City
Sets the title of the implicitly created frame, if there is one.
setFrequency(double) - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.Radio
Set this radio's current frequency.
setFrequency(double) - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.SampleTuner
setHgap(int) - Method in class becker.gui.RowLayout
Set the horizontal gap between components.
setHorizontalAlignment(int) - Method in class becker.gui.LedDisplay
Set the alignment of the displayed string within the LED display.
setHour(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Set the hour for this to the given hour
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class becker.robots.Sim
Set the icon used to display this sim.
setInt(int) - Method in class becker.gui.JIntField
Set the contents of this text field to the given integer.
setLabel(String) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Set the label to display on this icon.
setLabel(String) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.LabelIcon
setLabel(String) - Method in interface becker.robots.ILabel
Set a new label for this object.
setLabel(String) - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Set a label for this intersection.
setLabel(String) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Set a label to identify this robot.
setLocation(int, int) - Method in class becker.xtras.grapher.GrapherGUI
Set the location of the graphing window relative to the top-left corner of the screen.
setMark(String, String, int) - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Set the mark for a particular student and assignment
setMark(String, String, int) - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks
setMinute(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Set the minute for this to the given minute
setMonth(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Set the month for this to the given month
setOrigin(int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.CityView
Set the avenue and street to display at the origin (top left corner) of the city.
setPixels(int[][]) - Method in interface becker.xtras.imageTransformation.ITransformations
Set the image to be transformed to a new set of pixels.
setPixels(int[][]) - Method in class becker.xtras.imageTransformation.SampleTransformations
setSecond(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Set the second for this to the given second
setSimCount(int) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.IntersectionIcon
Display the number of Sims on this intersection.
setSimSize(int) - Method in class becker.robots.CityView
Set the number of pixels square that each Sim (intersection, robot, etc) occupies.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class becker.robots.City
Set the size of the implicitly created frame, if there is one.
setSize(double) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Change the relative size of this icon.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class becker.xtras.grapher.GrapherGUI
Set the size of the graphing window.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Set this robot's speed.
setThingCountPredicate(IPredicate) - Method in class becker.robots.City
Set the predicate for what kinds of things to count when showing the number of things on each intersection.
setTime(int, int, int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Set the time for this to the given hour, minute and second.
setTransparency(double) - Method in interface becker.robots.IColor
Set the transparency for this object; that is, the degree to which it permits objects under it show through.
setTransparency(double) - Method in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
Set the transparency for this icon; that is, the degree to which it permits objects under it show through.
setTransparency(double) - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Set this robot's transparency.
setYear(int) - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Set the year for this to the given year
ShapeIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
A ShapeIcon provides an easy means to make an icon of a particular shape and color.
ShapeIcon(Shape, Color) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.ShapeIcon
Construct a new icon with the given shape and color.
ShapeIcon(Shape, Color, double) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.ShapeIcon
Construct a new icon with the given shape and color.
SHORT - Static variable in class becker.util.DateTime
Cause format(...) to use a short format.
showFrame(boolean) - Static method in class becker.robots.City
Should the city be shown in a frame? The default is to show it.
showThingCounts(boolean) - Method in class becker.robots.City
Show the number of Things and Robots on each intersection, counted according to the predicate set with City.setThingCountPredicate(becker.robots.IPredicate).
Sim - Class in becker.robots
A Sim is an element of the robot city which participates in the simulation, namely a Thing (such as Walls, Lights), a Robot, or an Intersection.
Sim(City, int, int, Direction, Icon) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Sim
Construct a new Sim.
sleep(long) - Static method in class becker.util.Utilities
Sleep (pause the program) for the specified number of milliseconds (a millisecond is 1/1000 of a second -- to sleep for one second, pass 1000 as a parameter).
start() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.AnimatedIcon
Start the animation.
StateChangeEvent - Class in becker.robots
Reflect a change of state event within the robot world.
StateChangeEventType - Enum in becker.robots
stop() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.AnimatedIcon
Stop the animation.
stop() - Method in class becker.robots.icons.FlasherIcon
Streetlight - Class in becker.robots
A Streetlight is a kind of Light that lights an intersection.
Streetlight(City, int, int, Direction, boolean) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Streetlight
Construct a new streetlight.
Streetlight(City, int, int, Direction) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Streetlight
Construct a new streetlight.
StreetlightIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
An icon used to display a Streetlight.
StreetlightIcon(Color, Color, double) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.StreetlightIcon
Construct a new icon.


Test - Class in becker.util
Methods to assist in testing code.
Test() - Constructor for class becker.util.Test
An instance may be created, but is not required as all the methods are declared static.
Thing - Class in becker.robots
A Thing is something that can exist on an intersection.
Thing(City, int, int, Direction, boolean, Icon) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Thing
Construct a new Thing with an appearance defined by anIcon.
Thing(City, int, int) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Thing
Construct a new Thing with a default appearance that can be carried.
Thing(City, int, int, Direction) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Thing
Construct a new Thing with a default appearance that can be carried, in the given orientation.
Thing(Robot) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Thing
Construct a new thing held by the given robot.
TIME_ONLY - Static variable in class becker.util.DateTime
Cause format(...) to return the time only.
TollBoothGUI - Class in becker.xtras.tollBooth
A graphical user interface to simulate a highway toll booth.
TollBoothGUI(ITollBooth) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.tollBooth.TollBoothGUI
toString() - Method in class becker.robots.City
toString() - Method in class becker.robots.Flasher
Print this object represented as a string.
toString() - Method in class becker.robots.Intersection
Report the internal state of the intersection.
toString() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
This robot, represented as a string.
toString() - Method in class becker.robots.Sim
Print this object represented as a string.
toString() - Method in class becker.robots.StateChangeEvent
Represent the event as a string.
toString() - Method in class becker.robots.Streetlight
Print this object represented as a string.
toString() - Method in class becker.robots.Thing
Print this object represented as a string.
toString() - Method in class becker.util.DateTime
Represent this date (and time, if the time is not midnight) as a string.
transparent - Static variable in class becker.robots.icons.Icon
A transparent "color" which allows the underlying image to show through.
tuneDown() - Method in interface becker.xtras.radio.ITuner
Move the frequency one step down, unless the frequency is already at the lowest value for this band.
tuneDown() - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.SampleTuner
tuneUp() - Method in interface becker.xtras.radio.ITuner
Move the frequency one step up, unless the frequency is already at the highest value for this band.
tuneUp() - Method in class becker.xtras.radio.SampleTuner
turnAround() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Turn the robot around so it faces the opposite direction.
turnLeft() - Method in class becker.robots.Robot
Turn this robot left by 90 degrees or one quarter turn.
turnLeft(int) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Turn left the given number of times.
turnOff() - Method in class becker.robots.Flasher
Turn the flasher off.
turnOff() - Method in class becker.robots.Light
Turn the light off.
turnOff() - Method in class becker.robots.Streetlight
Turn the streetlight off.
turnOn() - Method in class becker.robots.Flasher
Turn the flasher on so that it begins to flash.
turnOn() - Method in class becker.robots.Light
Turn the light on.
turnOn() - Method in class becker.robots.Streetlight
Turn the streetlight on.
turnRight() - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Turn the robot 90 degrees to the right.
turnRight(int) - Method in class becker.robots.RobotSE
Turn right the given number of times.


unlock(int, int, int) - Method in interface becker.xtras.comboLock.IComboLock
Attempt to unlock the combination lock, assuming it is currently locked.
update(Object, Object) - Method in interface becker.util.IObserver
Update the this observer after an IObservable it is registered with has changed.
updateAllViews() - Method in class becker.util.AbstractModel
Update all the views that have been added to this model.
updateAllViews() - Method in interface becker.util.IModel
Update all the views that have been added to this model.
updateAllViews() - Method in class becker.util.ViewList
Notify each of the views on the list that something has happened to the object they are viewing.
updateAllViews() - Method in class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameSurferModel
updateView() - Method in interface becker.util.IView
Update the view.
updateView() - Method in class becker.xtras.comboLock.ComboLockGUI
updateView() - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.GallowsView
Update the view with the most recent info from the model.
updateView() - Method in class becker.xtras.nameSurfer.SampleNameSurferView
Utilities - Class in becker.util
Useful utility methods.
Utilities() - Constructor for class becker.util.Utilities


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum becker.robots.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum becker.robots.icons.IntersectionIcon.Area
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum becker.robots.StateChangeEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum becker.robots.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum becker.robots.icons.IntersectionIcon.Area
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum becker.robots.StateChangeEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ViewList - Class in becker.util
An instance of ViewList is usually used by a class implementing the model part of a model-view-controller to store its list of views.
ViewList() - Constructor for class becker.util.ViewList
Construct a new list of Views.
views - Variable in class becker.util.AbstractModel


Wall - Class in becker.robots
A Wall will block the movement of a robot into or out of the intersection which contains it, depending on the robot's direction of travel and the orientation of the Wall.
Wall(City, int, int, Direction) - Constructor for class becker.robots.Wall
Construct a new wall.
WallIcon - Class in becker.robots.icons
An icon to display a wall.
WallIcon() - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.WallIcon
Construct a new black wall icon.
WallIcon(Color) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.WallIcon
Construct a new icon with the given color at full size.
WallIcon(Color, double) - Constructor for class becker.robots.icons.WallIcon
Construct a new icon with the given color and size.
wasGuessed(char) - Method in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
Has the given letter been guessed before?
wasGuessed(char) - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
won() - Method in interface becker.xtras.hangman.IHangman
Has the player won the game by correctly guessing all the letters in the phrase?
won() - Method in class becker.xtras.hangman.SampleHangman
Word - Class in becker.xtras.jotto
Store one word together with its difficulty.
Word(Scanner) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.Word
Read one word from an open file.
Word(String, int) - Constructor for class becker.xtras.jotto.Word
Construct a new Word object.
writeFile(String) - Method in interface becker.xtras.marks.IMarks
Write the marks "spreadsheet" to a file.
writeFile(String) - Method in class becker.xtras.marks.SampleMarks