Interface IHintData

public interface IHintData

Get the data needed by the hint classes to generate the hints.

Byron Weber Becker

Method Summary
 Guess[] getGuessHistory()
          Get the history of guesses made by the user to use in processing hints.
 IWordList getKnownWords()
          Get the list of words known to the game.
 char getLetter()
          Get the letter specified by the user for the hint.
 char[] getLetters()
          Get the letters specified by the user for the hint.

Method Detail


char getLetter()
Get the letter specified by the user for the hint. For example, a hint that returns all the words containing a given letter would call this method to get the letter the words should contain.

a letter, probably entered by the user


char[] getLetters()
Get the letters specified by the user for the hint. For example, a hint that returns all the words containing at least 3 of a set of letters would call this method to get the letters the words should contain.

a filled array of letters, probably entered by the user


Guess[] getGuessHistory()
Get the history of guesses made by the user to use in processing hints.

the user's history of guesses.


IWordList getKnownWords()
Get the list of words known to the game. The hint words will be a subset of this list.

the words known to the game