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                                      Dr. Theodore (Ted) Panitz
                                                 HAVE WORKSHOPS- WILL TRAVEL

Cape Cod Community College,                     508-362-2131 x4421
2240 Iyannough Rd.,                                    e-mail home:     tpanitz@capecod.net     
W. Barnstable, MA 02668                            e-mail work:     tpanitz@capecod.edu     
                                                                       home phone    1-508-428-4787



EdD- Doctor of Education- Boston University School of Education 1982
Community College and Adult Education Department-
          specialty- Interactive/Collaborative Approaches to Teaching and Learning
                        -Adult education

PhD- Comprehensives and Coursework completed- Chem. Eng. IIT 1972

MS- Chemical Engineering- Illinois Institute of Technology 1970

BS- Bachelor of Chemical Engineering- Cornell University 1968

                         Employment history

1976-present - Cape Cod Community College, W. Barnstable, MA
Professor of Mathematics and Engineering (1976-present);

Mathematics Dept. Chair (2008-present);    

Developmental Mathematics Coordinator (1999-2004);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

 Engineering Science and Technologies Chairperson (1976-1998)                                                                                                                                                                      
    related activities:
            New England Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges-NEMATYC
                     President 1998-99, Vice President & program Chair1997-98, Membership Chair 1999-2005
            New Forums Press- Senior Editor for the "Journal of Student-Centered Learning" and Student
                    Centered Learning book series, Jan. 2002-2006

1974-1976- Parkersberg Community College, Parkersberg, W.Va.
Environmental Technology program coordinator
Laboratory Technology program coordinator

1972-1974- E.I. Dupont Co. , Parkersberg, W.Va.
Environmental Engineer and Process Engineer-

1968-1972- Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, ILL.
Chemical Engineering Instructor

                                 Workshops Presented

Lilly- New England- Conference on Teaching Excellence
sponsored by the International Alliance For Teaching Scholars-
September1995- "Sharing Ideas On Cooperative Learning", a 1 hour interactive workshop
            for college teachers and administrators
September 1996- Opening plenary session-   "Studying Cooperative Learning by
             Doing Cooperative Learning"
September 1997- "A Look At The Changing Nature Of College Students And The Implications
           For Improving Student Retention". Collaborative workshop
September 1998- "Is cooperative Learning Possible 100% Of the Time In College Courses?",

AMATYC- American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges-  Annual meetings
1997- "Using cooperative learning in math classes to foster critical thinking and make math fun",  Atlanta, 
1998- "Combining cooperative learning and writing across the curriculum enhances student learning",  Portland OR, 
2000- "Profiling Freshmen Students helps Faculty Develop Retention programs",  Chicago, IL
2001- "Comparing standards based HS exit tests to the Acuplacer college placement test",  Toronto, CANADA, 

2004- "Teaching Math Using the 7 Principles of Good Undergraduate Education", Orlando FL

NEMATYC-New England Mathematical Association for Two Year Colleges, Annual meetings
Interactive workshops for Community College Teachers
1990- "Cooperative Learning in Mathematics- What Do We Cooperate About"
1991- "Writing Across the Curriculum-What to Write About In Math?"
1992- "Cooperative Learning Techniques in Developmental Math Courses"
1993- "Combining Writing In Math and Cooperative Learning"
1997- "Writing in Math Answers the Eternal Question: 'What do I need math for?"
1998- "Can Cooperative Learning Be Used 100% Of the Time In Math Classes?"
1998-  Facilitated plenary sessions- "What problems are we dealing with at the Developmental Math level and how are we dealing with them?"
1999- "Sharing ideas on making math classes student centered"
2000- "Cooperative learning CAN do it all!"
2000-  Facilitated plenary session- "What do we expect from our students in specific math courses:
             Developmental through Calculus, Statistics, Finite math.
2001- "Comparing the State K-12  MCAS test  with the Acuplacer-College Placement Instrument to identify    underlying assessment philosophies"

2003- "Exploring the 7 Principles of Good Undergraduate Education As a Basis for Improving Student Retention in Math Classes"

Massachusetts Faculty Development Consortium (MFCD)
1992 regional meeting- "Cooperative Learning- How to Get Started"
                 a 2 hour interactive workshop for college teachers
1994 annual meeting- "Breaking the ice with nervous students"
                 a 20 minute teaching tips forum

New England Faculty Development Consortium (NEFD)
1998 annual Fall conference- "Using Cooperative Learning 100% of the Time in College Courses"

Conference on Mathematics and Quantitative Thinking- Massachusetts Public Higher Education- Sponsored by the Urban Collaborative-   University Of Mass. Boston
1997- "Writing across the curriculum-Writing in Mathematics Classes"
1998- "Using Cooperative Learning 100% of the Time in Math Classes"
1999- "Combining writing and cooperative learning in math classes"


New Hampshire Community and Technical College, Hew Hampshire-  Jan 21, 2007  Exploring Cooperative Learning Concepts Through Interactive Cooperative learning Activities,  Half day workshop

Southern State Community College, Hillsboro, Ohio, Oct. 31, 2003-  Exploring Learning College concepts and the Seven principles of Good Undergraduate Education, using cooperative learning techniques     full day workshop given at Southern state Community College (agenda)

Maharishi University of Management- Iowa, August 12, 2002- Using Cooperative Learning Techniques To Explore Problem Based Learning (PBL) Strategies-facilitated full day workshop

Lewis-Clark State College- Faculty Development Day- Lewiston, Idaho-May 22, 2002, Facilitated all day workshop series titled "Applying the Seven Principles of Good Undergraduate Education to Improve At Risk Student Retention, Including Technology Applications" a cooperative learning workshop

Northern Essex Community College- First Annual Faculty Professional
Day on Teaching and Learning, Essex, Massachusetts, March 28, 2002, Facilitated workshop titled
"Using  the Seven Principles Of Good Undergraduate Education to Explore Ways to Improve
Student Performance and retention", a workshop based upon cooperative learning techniques.

Consultant to University of Illinois Capital Scholars Program, Springfield Ill, Jan 2001,
Facilitated all day workshops. Theme- Encouraging Students to Work Cooperatively In and Out of Class
Initiated e-mail discussion group for faculty follow up

Consultant to Bridgewater State College, Spring 2000- Articulation Task Force-
Served as a Developmental Mathematics consultant to the High School, Community College,
State College articulation task force

Consultant to New Bedford School System, New Bedford, Ma,  1995-1996
Trained teachers in three Junior High Schools in Cooperative learning techniques.
                  *Three 2-hour interactive workshops for all   school personnel were completed in the Fall 1995.
                    Three 2-hour curriculum development sessions were completed in the Spring 1996
                              in English, Math, Science and History (12 sessions)

Cape Cod Community College- Spring 1996-Facilitated two college wide forums on increasing student retention based upon the questions: "How has the student profile changed over the past five years?" and "What can we do to help all our new students succeed?"
Developed an interactive workshop series which focused upon the nature of our students, what characteristics they exhibited, how they have changed over the past 5 years, and what actions the college's personnel could take to help insure student success and retention. Scheduling courses for success for developmental students, pairing of courses with career objectives and more support for social services were identified as having the highest priority.

Sandwich High School- Faculty development day Interactive workshop for primary and secondary school teachers- January 1996 "What is cooperative learning and how do I get started" Worked with teachers from all levels in an interactive workshop which demonstrated all aspects of cooperative learning.

Cape Cod Community College-Spring-Fall 1995- Facilitated forums on Developmental Math "Understanding our students in order to increase student retention in the math program." Four interactive workshops were held over two semesters. Developed a collaborative workshop series which lead to a better understanding of the nature of our students. As a result changes in the math curriculum are being implemented which will improve student success leading to college level math, a math brochure was produced as an advising tool and additional support for our math lab was obtained.


"Learning Together: Keeping Teachers and Students Actively Involved by Writing Across the Curriculum A Source Book of Ideas and Writing Assignments", by Dr. Theodore Panitz,    New Forums Press: Stillwater, Oklahoma August 2001

Ted's Cooperative Learning e-book

"Benefits of Cooperative Learning in Relation to Student Motivation", Theodore Panitz, 1999
in Michael Theall (Ed.) Motivation from within: Approaches for encouraging faculty and students to excel, in
New directions for Teaching and Learning, n78, Summer 1999 Josey-Bass publishers: San Francisco, CA, T. Panitz

"Ways To Encourage Collaborative Teaching In Higher Education",  T. Panitz  &  P. Panitz,  1998
Chapter #6 in University Teaching: International Perspectives,  James J.F. Forest edition, June 1998, Garland Publishers

"Will you be teaching in the twenty-first century?",  Theodore Panitz  position paper presented at University of Massachusetts
International, Interdisciplinary Conference, "Re-organizing Knowledge: Trans-forming Institutions and the University in the XXI Century" University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA,   September 17-19, 1999 Published in   TOMORROW'S PROFESSOR(SM) LISTSERV  "Desk-top faculty development", A product of the Stanford University  Learning Laboratory  http://sll.stanford.edu/projects/tomprof/home.html


"Using Cooperative Learning Techniques to Establish a Student-Centered, Interactive Learning Environment", Theodore Panitz, Teaching for Our Times, Partnerships and Collaborations, June, 2004, EdShirley Cassara, published by Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, MA, 

"Creating a Student-Centered Learning Environment through Cooperative learning", by Dr. Theodore Panitz, Best Practices in Developmental Education, 2nd Edition, April 2004, Thomas Armington editor,  NADE (National Association of Developmental Education) Mathematics Special Professional Interest Network,

"Combining writing and cooperative learning techniques in mathematics", by Ted Panitz, NISOD Innovation Abstracts, Vol XXV number 4, Feb. 2003,  National Institute for Staff and organizational Development, College of education, University of Texas at Austin

"The Student Course Portfolio in Mathematics", by Ted Panitz in "The Learning Portfolio: Reflective Practice for Improving Student Learning" by John Zubizarreta  2002,   Boston, MA: Ankar Publishing

"Collaborative and Cooperative Learning", Ted Panitz & Dana Christman,  Higher Education in the United States: An Encyclopedia, Forest, J., and Kinser, K. Editors, June 2002, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

"Using Cooperative Learning to Create a Student-Centered Learning Environment:, Theodore Panitz,
The Successful Professor,  Vol. 1, Issue 1, Jan 2002,  Simek Publishing: Millersville, Md.

"Building Study Skills In A Mathematics Classroom"  Dr. Theodore Panitz, Sound Instruction: Ready To Use Classroom Practice, Linda Serra-Hagedorn editor,   vol 1, May 2001. Rapid Intellect Group: Styvasant Falls, NY

"Cooperative Learning Saves the Day!-- One Teacher's Story", Ted Panitz, Education World, Curriculum Article,     http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr287a/shtml,  Jan 2001

"Will You Still Be Teaching in the twenty-First Century?",  Ted Panitz,  Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal,  Issue #23,  September 2000,   pp1-16

"Operationalizing Interactive learning paradigms through Cooperative Learning Activities 100% Of the Time In math Classes", Ted Panitz,  Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal, Issue #22,  April 2000,   pp41-43

"Is Cooperative learning Possible 100% of the Time In College Classes?", Ted Panitz
Cooperative Learning and College Teaching, v9, n2, winter 1999 p13-14

"Is Cooperative learning Possible 100% of the Time In Business Classes?", Ted Panitz
Marketing Educator, v18, n1 Winter 1998-99, p4, p10

"Student Math Autobiography- Math In A Trash Can" , Ted Panitz,
Ontario Colleges Mathematics Association- OCMA News and Views, Issue99, no.1, Spring 1999 p5-6

"Collaborating In The Classroom", T. Panitz OLS (Open Learning Systems) News   Issue 63, March 1998

"Faculty and Student Resistance to Cooperative Learning", T. Panitz
Cooperative Learning and College Teaching, vol. 7 No. 2 Winter, 1997

"Why Study Algebra? Practical Problems Highlight the Value of Mathematics for Stuents"
NCRVE- A Sourcebook for Reshaping the Community College: Curriculum
Integration and the Multiple Domains of Career Preparation Vol. #2- Samples of
Career preparation Innovation MDS-782-vol II, National Center For Research In Vocational
Education, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley

"Collaborative Versus Cooperative Learning: Comparing the Two Definitions Helps Understand the nature of
Interactive learning",  T. Panitz Cooperative Learning and College Teaching, V8, No. 2, Winter 1997

"Algebra Anyone" by Leslie Jones. with introduction by T. Panitz
Humanistic Mathematics Network Journa #15, July 1997

"Ending On A High Note: Better Endings For Classes And Courses", M. Meier & T. Panitz
College Teaching, Fall 1996

"Assessing Students and Yourself By Observing Students Working Cooperatively and Using the One Minute Paper", T. Panitz, &  P. Panitz Cooperative Learning and College Teaching, V6, N3 Spring 1996

"Assessing Students Who Are Working Cooperatively", T. Panitz The problem Log, Volume 1, Issue 2, Fall 1996 Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy's Center for  problem Based Learning

"Getting Students Ready for Cooperative Learning", T. Panitz Cooperative Learning and College Teaching,
V6, N2 Winter 1996 New Forums Press, Stillwater, OK

"Group Interactive Approach to Student Assessment", Ted Panitz, Worth A Hoot Newsletter- Sharing Teaching Ideas Among Oregon Institute of technology Faculty. Bright Ideas for Teaching Enrichment. Volume II number 3, April 6, 1995

"How To End Courses With A bang!', Ted Panitz,  The Teaching Professor, May 1995, distributed electronically by Magna Publications, 2718 Dryden Drive,  Madison WI 53704-3086, USA

" Assessing Student Learning ( and Yourself) with the One Minute Paper" Ted Panitz
The problem Log, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 1996 Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy's
Center for Problem Based Learning

"Writing in Math", Ted Panitz,  The Lizard Newsletter, Winter 1996, Issue Number 33
Published by the Teaching Effectiveness Program of the University of Oregon

                                         Community Service

Elected and appointed positions
Elected to the Barnstable Town Council  1989-1993
        President 1992 & 1993
        Vice president 1990 & 1991
Elected to the Barnstable School Committee 1983-1989
Appointed to Barnstable Conservation Commission 1977-1983
        Chairman 1981-1983
Appointed Barnstable County Personnel Board Chairman 1985-1986
Elected Barnstable Town Meeting member 1977-1989

Membership in community groups and organizations
Centerville Civic Association- president                      Cape Cod Energy Education Group
Barnstable Open Space task Force                            Cape Cod mental Health Association Board of Directors
Barnstable Schools Dropout reduction Task Force     YMCA Youth Basketball Coach
Barnstable master Plan Steering Committee                Barnstable Human Rights task Force- chair
Red Lily Pond reclamation Task Force                       Citizens for Charter Change- chair
Barnstable Conservation Foundation                           Citizens for Long Pond Preservation
Centerville historical society                                        WHOI Ocean Discover Museum Committee- chair
Cape and Island Democratic Council -President          Barnstable Democratic Town Committee - chair
Barnstable Voter Redistricting Committee                   Centerville Historical Society


"Hey, listers! When I think of Ted I think of this phrase because he is an active participant on and
contributor to several math email lists, and that is his standard greeting. You always know you are
in for some food for thought when you find that greeting on your email.

I am a long-time participant in mathematics organizations - the New England Section of the MAA, the New England Mathematical Association of Community Colleges well as AMATYC itself. I can attest that Ted is an active contributor to math professional development locally and nationally. He is an active and popular participant and contributor at both levels.

Specifically I have seen Ted lead discussion groups on prioritizing issues in mathematics education.
He does a great job of motivating folks to interact, and of facilitating and coordinating the process.
If I think of student-centered learning, I think of Ted Panitz. Proselytizer and practitioner, he is the
person to whom I would turn on this issue or to discuss general math education issues."

Philip Mahler        Professor of Mathematics
Middlesex Community College
Springs Road, Bedford, MA 01730
I have attended many of Ted's workshops and have worked with him extensively in the area of
developmental mathematics. Ted has facilitated workshops on 'The New CCCC Student.' These
workshops were designed for faculty to help describe some of the changes in the new students coming
to college and to develop strategies to help them succeed. Ted did an excellent job of facilitating this
workshop. He uses a highly interactive participatory approach and is very good at getting people to
express their opinions, concerns and questions. He helped faculty come up with some excellent ideas
for improving student success.

I also have participated in Ted's workshop on Cooperative Learning which he presented at the
New England Mathematics Association of Two Year Colleges (NEMATYC) Conference. He did
a great job of tailoring this presentation to fit the audience--in this case developmental mathematics
faculty. Ted is very articulate himself, but his real strength is in creating an interactive
learning/discussion environment in which all feel comfortable participating."

Dave Ziemba
Assistant Dean, Advising and Counseling
Cape Cod Community College
"Ted has the ability to share his vast knowledge of collaborative learning with other faculty through
exercises that get faculty to experience for themselves how the collaborative process works. Ted's
workshops are highly interactive. His sense of humor and ability to get faculty involved make
learning about the collaborative process both fun and meaningful."

Bruce Bell
Associate Academic Dean, Art and Sciences
Cape Cod Community College
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