Lesson Setup

Lesson Setup
This is stuff you'll need to download and/or browse before starting this lesson

  1. Start-of-lecture Slides ( Required)
    Online students will need to read these on their own. 
    Hybrid students will seem them at the start of class.
  2. Starter project for this week's PCEs (Post-Class Exercises)
    1. 'Starter' project for the PCEs (for use with Visual Studio 2019 and .Net 5.0)
      You will need to install the .Net Core workload (NOT .Net desktop) for this to work!)

       In Visual Studio 2019: Tools > Get Tools and Features..., then select the .Net Core Workload at the bottom
    2. Older starter project (using ".Net Framework"): 'Starter' project for the PCEs (for use with Visual Studio 2017)
  3. Watch the online videos for this lesson and demonstrate your knowledge ( Hand-In)