The Viewing Quiz (or Video Outline)

Download And Understand The Video Viewing Quiz/Outline ( Hand-In )

You have two choices to demonstrate that you've watched (and understood) the videos: either create an outline or fill out the viewing comprehension quiz (described below).

Either way you hand in the viewing quiz / video outline by including the appropriate file in the .ZIP file you hand in for this lesson (in either Word .DOC/.DOCX format or .PDF format).

  1. Viewing Quiz for Lesson 01
    Note: A good way to do the viewing quiz is to have the quiz open while watching the videos, and fill the questions in as they're covered in the  video.

  2. Starter File for outlining this lesson's videos

    Directions for outlining the videos

    Since this is the first time you will be submitting an outline I recommend that you:

    1. Read the directions above, and watch the three videos therein (each video is about a minute or two long)
    2. Watch the first video below while looking at the sample outline in the starter file, in order to get a feel for how much detail you're expected to produce.
    3. Watch the second video while filling in the partially completed outline (also in the starter file)
    4. For the remaining videos you’re on your own!