Contributions to Terraforming

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Although much of the research in terraforming the planet of Mars is recent, the idea has been around for many decades. The idea was in fact suggested by a science fiction writer known as Jack Williamson whose purpose was created strictly for fictional use. The fictional side to terraforming was elaborated on by other famous writers such as H.G. Wells in his classic fictional piece titled, "War of the Worlds." Soon after, the research and experimentation began in discovering if this fictional idea could eventually become a reality. As the idea grew, major organization and institutions of astrobiology became involved in what continues to grow today; the idea a terraforming the planet of Mars.

One of the largest known organizations involved in terraforming Mars is the National Association of Space Astronomy, or NASA. More specifically a space engineer known as Chris McKay has been researching the information we know about Mars and is recently planned what’s known as a Mars Terraforming ethics conference. NASA’s senior scientist for astrobiology, Dr. Michael Meyer states, "Terraforming has long been a fictional topic. Now, with real scientists exploring the reality, we can ask what are the real possibilities, as well as the potential ramifications, of terraforming Mars." At the request of President Bush, NASA is leading a multi-billion-dollar Mars research program that is expected to continue for several years.

Another man known as Robert Zubrin is involved in the development of the research to terraform Mars. Zubrin, a space engineer, is not only the founder of Pioneer Astronautics; he also is the president of The Mars Society. Pioneer Astronautics is a "hands-on research and development company dedicated to inventing and proving new technologies to advance humanity’s reach into space and to improve life on Earth." The Mars society is also a space exploration program whose purpose pertains to the present and future exploration of Mars, which they refer to as the ‘Red Planet.’ As Zubrin states in case study titled The Case for Mars, "Mars is closer and maybe sooner than we think." His leadership and development of ideas has lead political leaders such as Bush to appoint funds towards organizations leading to space discovery.

At this point in time, the world as we know it is on its way in extending our conditions of life outside of the planet Earth. The first step in recognizing this possibility has already been accomplished and the next step is a slow process of governmental agreement, funds, technology, and most importantly, experimentation. As with a new occurrence, there will always be skeptics but without the question of possibility we will not discover the future means of survival.