A contract entered into by two parties is legally binding on both signatories. When we buy a house we sign a mortgage contract and fully intend to live up to its terms by making monthly payments, real estate payments and purchasing home owners insurance. Contracts for other services are equally important parts of our lives. Why not ask our students to enter into a learning contract with us since both students and professors have a vested interest in the outcome.
This exercise is designed with two goals in mind. The first is to highlight the approaches and responsibilities undertaken by the professor and the second is to emphasize student responsibilities along with suggested activities which will help them succeed in the course. The use of a contract helps formalize the suggestions and putting them into a legal framework underlines the serious nature of the items agreed to by the students and the professor.
When offered the success contract, students are initially taken aback by its legal structure, then they become amused by the thought of this approach to encouraging their learning, and finally they express appreciation at my effort to outline exactly what I am prepared to do on their behalf in exchange for their commitment to work hard in the class. For students who doubt the seriousness of this exercise I often bring a copy of the contract to class to review the items which I feel students may be letting down on. Students will remind me of my part of the agreement if they feel I have forgotten to carry out some aspect of the contract.
This exercise helps focus on student study habits and approaches which are critical to the success of the course. It reaffirms the collaborative nature of the class and the fact that student participation is encouraged in a non-threatening, risk free environment. As with all writing assignments this activity opens a line of communication between student and professor which would not otherwise be available.
1. To highlight the importance of the responsibilities of the student and professor which will help both succeed in meeting the course objectives.
2. To call the students attention to and emphasize the type of study habits needed for this course and the time required to complete homework assignments etc.
3. To encourage students to seek help early in the semester if the need arises. This is especially important in math courses where students can fall behind, never to catch up.
4. To identify a variety of sources of help available to students and encourage their use.
5. To emphasize the professors concern for his/her students success in the course.
6. To demonstrate the value of writing in class and provide an example of the professors writing style.
7. To provide an alternate form of communication between the professor and students.
Alternate uses:
1. The contract may be altered to encourage students to commit to meeting specific course objectives such as writing 5 essays, or 1 term paper, or completing 3 exams and a final exam, etc.
2. Students may be asked to write their own contract specifying activities they will pursue in order to meet the course objectives.
3. Additional items may be added according to special circumstances provided in different classes.
Implications/application for collaborative learning opportunities:
1. Pairs read the entire contract and alternating between each one explains an item and the other verifies the explanation.
2. Groups brainstorm how they intend to implement the contract.
3. Groups develop their own contracts to meet the course objectives or their personal objectives.
4. Groups edit or rewrite the existing contract.
I, Ted Panitz, as the instructor of algebra agree to the following actions to be taken by me to insure your success in this course.
* I will provide answers to your questions in a variety of ways which will include your participation.
* I will make the class fun and interesting.
* I will solicit your comments on class activities and your reactions to my methods and try to adapt your suggestions to class procedures.
* I will explain my rationale behind the activities I use in class.
* I will not take personally any comments you make in class that are made in the spirit of participation and constructive criticism intended to help us succeed.
* I will never criticize or belittle anyone for asking a question or raising a
a classroom issue.
* I will do everything I can to help you succeed in this course providing you
have met your half of the contract.
* I will encourage new ideas for approaching the study of math and to try to
include them in class.
* I will commit myself to spend one hour minimum on each section assigned.
* I will read the section assigned before the class and attempt to do the
problems at the end of the section. I will check the answers to all the work I attempt.
* If I cannot get the correct answer to a problem I will not get mad or give up. I
will put the problem number on the board at the next class, and continue working on the rest of the section problems.
* I will take the chapter review and correct it before doing the chapter mastery
demonstration in class.
* I will work with other people in class in groups of varying size.
* I will try to help other students as well as ask for help if I need it.
* If I have a problem I cannot solve I will share it with the class verbally or by
putting it on the board for all of us to work on and discuss.
* I will seek extra help outside of class, early in the semester, if I feel I need it, from Ted, in the math lab, or in the Academic Development Center.
* If I cannot complete the class because of personal reasons or health problems
I will not simply leave without first discussing alternatives with Ted.
please add your comments, suggestions or contract items on the reverse side. ________________________________
name date
The idea of signing a contract initially startled me until I read what you said you would do for us and then after I read what you asked me to do. This makes a lot of sense in this algebra class. It takes a lot of time to be good at math and I need to reminded about that.
I like the idea of your telling us what you will do to help us in the class and I will definitely take you up on your offer for extra help. You will be seeing a lot of me this semester.
This is the first time I have had a teacher ask me to sign any kind of contract at all. I think it tells me that you really want us to get through this class and do well and will work as hard as you want us to work. The offer for extra help is very reassuring and I like the suggestions about going to the math lab. Last semester in basic math I waited for several weeks before trying the math lab since I had never been there before. I wish I had been encouraged to go there sooner. I am not too sure about the idea of working with other students in groups but I am willing to give it a try, especially since you think it will be helpful to us. Working in groups so far has been fun and it has helped me learn the rules better as long as I know that I don't have to learn everything on my own and the teacher will be there to help us if we need it.
Wow! Next you will be asking us to sign over our car titles or first born children. I looked for the fine print and couldn't find any so I conclude that what you see is what you get. I like what I see! Giving me a list of what you are going to do for us was very reassuring and a little unconventional. I expected the professor to tell us what was expected of us and not the other way around. This seems consistent with they way you are running the class. We have only had a few classes but I can see already that this will be a different math class than I have ever had before. For one thing I have not been asked to do any writing in math classes before and this is the fourth piece of writing to come my way in just two weeks (your letter, my autobiography, the 7 principles and now this contract). I am beginning to appreciate your strategy more. Some students are grumbling about writing in math but I think it is a great idea. I see myself more as an English person so writing is fun for me where the math is not (sorry, but you wanted us to be honest). I will try my best to meet the items on the contract which I have signed and I can see that you are already meeting most of the ones you have signed off on. By the way, what is the penalty if we break the contract? Just kidding of course!
Suggestions for additional contract items:
The following items are typical responses students have when asked for additional items for the contract. This is where student concerns will surface as part of this writing exercise, especially for those students who are not familiar with collaborative learning techniques,
For Ted:
* Offer study/review sessions out of class.
* Review material in class prior to exams.
* Lecture more on new material.
* Work more problems on the board.
* Answer questions more directly
For Students:
* Form study groups with at least 2 other students outside of class.
* Exchange phone numbers with at least 5 other students.
* Make up material missed from class due to absences.
* Call Ted at home or at school if you are stuck on a problem before quitting.