Math Anxiety Code of Responsibilities

by Kathy Acker

1. I have the responsibility to attend all classes and do all homework as assigned.

2. I have the responsibility to recognize the rights of others to learn at their own pace.

3. I have the responsibility to seek extra help when necessary.

4. I have the responsibility to see the teacher during office hours or to schedule an appointment for assistance.

5. I have the responsibility to come to class prepared; homework finished and/or questions to ask.

6. I have the responsibility to speak up when I don't understand.

7. I have the responsibility to give math at least the same effort I give to other subjects.

8. I have the responsibility to begin my math study at my current skill level.

9. I am responsible for my attitudes about my abilities.

10. I have the responsibility to learn about instructors prior to registering for class.

11. I have the responsibility for learning and practicing relaxation skills.

12. I have the responsibility to act as a competent adult.

13. I have the responsibility to approach math with an open mind rather than fighting it.

14. I have the responsibility to be realistic about my goals and expectations.