There are two different and distinct methods for creating an equation of a line when you are given two points from that line.

In this exercise you will find another person in the room who has the same assignment or jigsaw part number.

You will then work together to become experts in your method. To do this you will complete the given problems and then outline in writing your process or strategy.

Next you will return to your original partner and teach that person your method.

Jigsaw part 1-- using the formula y = mx + b create an equation of a line which contains the following points:

1) (5, 2) and (3, 1)






  1. (-4, -2) and (6, 3)







Use this side or the reverse side to write out your explanation. This will help your partner understand your method better. Yes it will!!!!!



There are two different and distinct methods for creating an equation of a line when you are given two points from that line.

In this exercise you will find another person in the room who has the same assignment or jigsaw part number.

You will then work together to become experts in your method. To do this you will complete the given problems and then outline in writing your process or strategy.

Next you will return to your original partner and teach that person your method.

Jigsaw part 2-- using the formula y - y1 = m(x - x1) create an equation of a line which contains the following points:

1) (5, 2) and (3, 1)







2) (-4, -2) and (6, 3)







Use this or the reverse side to write out your explanation. This will help your partner understand your method better. Yes it will!!!!!
