Is The Mastery Approach To Testing A Good One???

"I know I can make corrections on the mastery if I make any mistakes, so I am not motivated to study for it."

"If I do not get 80% on the mastery I can retake it as many times as I need to. This means I don't need to study as much for the test."

These comments are typical of some responses I received from the writing assignments and in person from a few people. I am concerned that they may reflect a wider problem. I would like to find out if this is a problem. I would like your opinion on this approach to testing in algebra.

1. How do you feel about the mastery approach to testing in general? Does it increase or decrease your motivation to prepare for the mastery? Should I change this approach and go back to regular testing?


2. What can you do to help motivate yourself for the mastery or increase your readiness to demonstrate your mastery?


3. What can I (Ted) do to help motivate people for the mastery?



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