Setting up jGrasp

1. Go to your desktop and double-click the jGrasp icon to launch the program. The icon appears as follows:
2. On the Settings menu, choose Compiler Settings. From the sub-menu, choose the only option, Workspace. A dialog box will appear.
  • From the drop-down menu labelled Language, choose Java.
  • In the long list in the center of the dialog box, select the line that says jdk (integrated debugger, HotSpot VM, assertions, enums) - generic. You may draw the right side of the dialog box to make it wider, enabling you to see the entire lines in the central pane.
  • Click the Use button.
  • Verify that your dialog box now looks like the one shown on the right.
4. Click the tab in the top row of tabs that is labelled PATH.
5. Click the bottom button labeled New. In the resulting dialog box,
  • Either type in C:\java\Robots\becker.jar in the top textfield or use the Browse button to find it.
  • Either type in C:\java\Robots\doc\ in the bottom textfield or use the Browse button to find it.
Click OK.
6. A new entry should appear in the bottom section of the dialog box. Click OK to return to the main jGRASP window.
7. From the Project menu, select Open. Navigate to C:\java\Robots\examples\ch01\deliverParcel\. Select the file named deliverParcel.gpj and click Open.

An Open Projects pane will be added to the left side of the display.

8. Double-click the entry in the Open Projects pane (circled). This will open the first Java program described in the textbook.
9. To run the robot program:
  • Click the compile button, , to compile the program. An alternative to to choose Compile from the Build menu.
  • Click the run button, , to run the program. An alternative is to choose Run from the Build menu.
The result should be the program shown on the right. Congratulations! You're ready to start programming!