How to reverse a linearly linked list
The basic idea is to use three pointers and walk them down the list. Within the list, the 'forward' pointer is moved down one item. The 'middle' pointer it left where it is, one behind the 'forward' pointer, while the 'back' pointer is left one behind the 'middle' pointer. The 'next' field of the 'middle' pointer's object is set to point at the 'back' pointer, thus reversing the direction of the link in the middle. At this point, the 'back' pointer is moved up one by assigning it to point at 'middle's object, and middle is moved up one by assigning it to point at 'forward's object, which sets everything up for the next iteration. With that in mind, it's only necessary to take care of the special cases that arise at the beginning and end of the linked list.
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Array: The trick is writing a routine that does something along the lines of the following:
int DetectPal( char pch[], int Len ) { int i = 0; int nUpperBound = Len/2; while( i < nUpperBound ) { if( pch[i] !="pch[Len" i++] ) return FALSE; /*#define FALSE 0 */ } return TRUE /*#define TRUE 0 */
Note that this checks only the first half of the list against the second half -- by stopping at Len/2, we don't waste time by checking the second half of the list against the first. Also note that in the case of an odd length array we don't check the middle element against anything, because the integer division will truncate the remainder. Ex: For an array of three elements, we'll check the first against the third, then find that 1 is not less than 1 (3 / 2 = 1.5 => 1) and exit without checking the middle element.
For the string, we do pretty much the same thing, except that we insert a call to strlen, and assign the result to Len. Remember that under C, we can think of pointers and arrays being the same thing. I.E., l and k will be the same at the end of this fragment:
char *p; char l,k; l = *(p + 1); k = p[1];
The variant involving a linearly linked list is somewhat more
involved, mainly because you can't back up as easily as you can
with an array or string. This can be done recursively, or by iteratively
running through the list to the mirror element for each
comparison. Recursion will eat up memory (esp. for large lists)
and can be slow, while the iterative version will be very slow
O(n^2), which can get really bad for large lists.
Does anybody know a quick and efficient way to detect a
palindrome in a linked list?
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Display the binary representation of an integer
This shouldnÕt be too tough to code, using the bitwise AND operator, &. The main loop looks something like this:
void BitPattern( long N ) { int iBit = 1 nBitMask = 1; while( iBit <= 32 ) /*for 32 bit long integers..*/ { if( nBitMask & N) printf(Ò1Ó); else printf(Ò0); iBit++; nBitMask << /* shifts the bits one bit to the left*/ } }
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Quicksort is a popular in-place divide-and-conquer sorting
method, because it runs in O(nLg(n) ) on average, and has a
relatively low overhead in practice, making it oftentime faster
than Mergesort, which is O( nLg(n) ) woest-case. A randomized
version of Quicksort can be made to run in O( nLg(n) ) time
The basic idea behind quicksort is to pick an element of the
array to use as the 'dividing point', or pivot, and the place all
smaller elements on one side of the pivot and all larger elements
on the other side of the pivot. Quicksort is then called
recursively on each of the two subarrays. The pivot can either be
choosen randomly or arbitrarily (such as, say, the first element
of the current array). One way of rearranging the elements would
be to put a pointer at the top of the subarray and another at the
bottom of the subarray, and move each toward the other till there
is an element under the pointer that is less than ( the 'high'
pointer) or greater than (the 'low' pointer) the pivot element.
If two elements are found, they're switched. Once the 'low'
pointer passes the 'high' pointer, we've set up the subarrays and
can call Quicksort on each of them.
There are a couple other ways to solve this problem:
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Swapping Variables w/o additional memory
(given int x,y) :
also,x=x^y; y=x^y; x=x^y;
I'm sure that you can do this with any operator that has some properties, though i'm not sure of what these properties are. Note that the two variables must be distinct - if you pass by reference the same variable to both i and j,you'll end up zeroing out the variable.x = x + y; y = x - y; x = x - y;
This function counts the number of "1" bits in the submitted integer.
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Gold Mine
Split the bar into three pieces, of 1 oz., 2 oz., and 4 oz. On the first day, you give the worker 1 oz. of gold. On the second day, you trade the 1 oz. chunk for the 2 oz. chunk. On the third day, you then give him the 1 oz. piece back, and so on and so forth. Essentially it's a swapping question. Another way to think of the question is that once we've divided the bar into 1, 2, and 4 oz. chunks, we give the bar out in combinations corresponding to the binary representation of the number that you're looking for.
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Light Bulb
Turn the first switch on for a while (long enough for the bulb to heat up), then turn the first switch off and turn the second switch on. Leave the switch room and enter the bulb room. The bulb that's on is controlled by the second switch. The hot bulb is controlled by the first switch, and by elimination, the third switch controls the only bulb left
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A procedure for getting the four gallons to end up in the five gallon bottle is the following:
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Does the melting ice cube overflow the glass?
No. Water is most dense at 4 degree celcius, which means that when it melts the density will increase, reaching its maximum at 4 degrees Celcius. According to my Chem class, the water molecules in ice are in a hexagonal arrangement with lots of space inbetween. In water's liquid state, the molecules are more disorderly, and the lack of structure allows the molecules to get closer. So, when the ice cube melts, the molecules get closer, the water in the ice cube gets more dense, and the glass doesn't overflow
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