Lesson 07

(Please ignore this - these are notes for myself for the next iteration of this course)

Feedback / Improvements on exericses:
(Please ignore this - these are notes for myself for the next iteration of this course)

Preview Videos:

  1. BST: Remove (Overview)
    Lots of Q + A, can only hear 1/2 of it
    Also very long (28 minute)


  • Comparing Pow only really works if the number selected just happens to be a power of 2 :/

Redo Voting:

  1. BST: Print
    x2 too quiet; too many distractions

  2. BST: Patterns

  3. BST: Recursive Add

  4. BST: Remove (Overview)
    x5 - lotsa' pauses, too quiet, too long x2

  5. BST: Remove By Hand Exercise