Change, Commit, Push (a C# source code file)


The goals for this exercise are to

  1. Change a file, save the file into git, and then upload those changes back to your copy of the project on GitHub

  2. For this exercise we'll use a C# source code file because it's more realistic

What you need to do to prepare for this exercise:


In order for the program to compile you will need to install the .Net Core package into Visual Studio.  There's detailed instructions here. (Those instructions are for another course - please ignore all the stuff about extra credit.  There's no extra credit for BIT 142 for installing .Net Core)

ALSO - if you're not able to get the program to compile please don't worry.  You can change the message that's being printed in the .CS file easily enough without compiling and running it.  Obviously it's better practice to be able to run the program (in the sense that it's more like how you'd normally use Git(Hub) in a work environemnt) but if you can't get the program to run after 15-30 minutes then please just modify the Program.cs file directly and don't worry about running the program.


What you need to do for this exercise
  1. Based on the work you did in the previous exericse, you should be able to change the Program.cs file in the starter project so that instead of printing "Hello World" to the screen it instead prints "Hello git and GitHub". 
    1. If you'd like to print anything else instead please feel free to do so, as long as the message is 'safe for work'
  2. Once the program has been modified make sure to save the files, commit your changes to your local git repo, and to then push your changes to your account on GitHub