Token-Based File I/O: Averaging Numbers

The goal for this exercise is to make sure that you can open up a file of text tokens (of numbers), and average all the words in the file

What you need to do to prepare for this exercise:

For this exercise you will process a file that contains one or more numbers on each line, such as:

10 20 12.4
This is the last line
20 200
No, THIS Is the last line

Notice that there may be other (non-number) words in the file as well, and that there may be a variable number of spaces (including tab stops) between any two tokens (or at the start/end of a line)

Your program must average all the numbers in the file named "Files\Exercise_Files\NumberJumble.txt", and then print that average to the console. The above file should produce the result:

Average: 52.7714285714286

Note that this is the total (10 + 20 + 12.4 + 7 + 20 + 200 + 100) divided by the number of numbers ( 7 ) NOT by the number of non-empty tokens (7 numbers + 11 words = 18 non-empty tokens)

A file containing no numbers should produce the result:

No numbers in the file!
What you need to do for this exercise
  1. Implement the method Average (in the class named File_Exercises) so that it behaves as described above

  2. WARNING: Don't forget to set the current working directory in Visual Studio (as described in the slides on File I/O (Input)