Objects As Parameters

The goal for this exercise is to make sure that you can pass an object to a method (as a parameter), and to start to explore the idea of decoupling / separation of concerns.

What you need to do to prepare for this exercise:

Let’s accomplish this exercise’s goal by working through a small (and somewhat contrived) example that none-the-less demonstrates some of the principles that you’ll be working towards in this lesson.

For all the methods that you implement (in this course (not just this exercise, but in this course, as you go forwards)), you should remember that since method is public, anyone, anywhere can call the method. Even people whom you never thought would call this method. Therefore, you need to make sure that all the parameters to this method are ‘safe’ before using them. In particular, you need to check that the any object references are valid, and not equal to the special null value. If any object reference parameters are null, you can simply return early.

This exercise assumes that you’ve already implemented the Television class, as was detailed in a prior exercise.

What you need to do for this exercise:

  1. Implement the PrintMyTV method on the TelevisionHandler class:

    1. This method must print out the message "ABOUT TO PRINT TV" on it’s own line, then must call the Print method on the Television object, then must print the message "FINISHED PRINTING TV" on it’s own line. An example of correct output might be:

      1. If the parameter is null, then nothing should be printed

  2. Implement the PrintMyTVUsingGetters method.

    1. This method will be called by the tests, in order to verify that your method is able to correctly handle the Television objects.

    2. This method will take the Television object that was passed in as a parameter, and use the getter methods on the object to extract all the data it needs, in order to print out a message that looks similar to this:

      The TV’s Brand is Sony, which is rad.
      The TV’s Price is 1000.17, which is really rad.
      The TV’s Size is 10.5, which is wicked rad.
      1. You will need to implement the getter methods on the Television class, if they haven't been implemented already

      2. If the parameter is null, then nothing should be printed

  3. There is a Objects_As_Parameters.RunExercise method that you can use to test your work.