Overloading methods: Creating Your Own

The goal for this exercise is to make sure that you can create your own, overloaded methods, so you can create your own, overloaded constructors in subsequent exercises.

What you need to do to prepare for this exercise:

What you need to do for this exercise
  1. Go back to your code from the prior exercise, and add an overloaded method to the Blender class.

    Specifically, add a method named Print(bool longWinded) method on the Blender class. If longWinded is true then it will print out a message like

    For this blender, the current speed is 3
    If it's false, it will print out something like

    Blender’s speed:3
    1. This should be in addition to the Print() method that you created for the previous exercise, which will print out

      Blender’s speed:3
  2. Make sure that you can call both methods from the RunExercise method in the Overloading_Create_Your_Own class.

    1. If this method/class doesn't yet exist, you should create it on your own, and call the RunExercise method from main.

  3. Also, experiment with this, so that you can figure out how to have one version of an overloaded method call another version of the same method. For example, since the 'concise' version of the overloaded version of Print prints the same thing as the version that has no parameters, instead of writing that code twice, have the parameterized version call the version that has no parameters.