Fahrenheit to Celsius converter

The goal for this exercise is to make sure that you can use the material that has been covered in the previous exercises, but in a more open-ended (and therefore more ‘real-world’-like) scenario

What you need to do to prepare for this exercise:


What you need to do for this exercise

In the starter project, fill in the Fahrenheit_To_Celsius.RunExercise method, so that it will ask the user for a temperature (in Fahrenheit), and convert that temperature to a Celsius. According to http://www.albireo.ch/temperatureconverter/formula.htm, the formula is:

Note: when you write code for the above formula you must write it so that the “5 divided by 9” part comes first, just like it’s shown in the above formula.

You should make sure to check your work by testing your program with a variety of values. In order to that, you will probably want to give your program a Fahrenheit temperature to convert to Celsius, then use a calculator to double-check that the program is giving you the correct answer.


If you're interested in some temperature-related humor, head on over to the Ever Awesome XKCD for this comic.  Want more explanation? Check out this page.