
Note:  Please keep the programs that you create today, in case you have a dispute about your grades for the ICEs at the end of the quarter. When you're working with a partner, each person should save their own, individual copy

Part  1: Code Tracing: Parameters


Download the file the file, and trace the program from start to finish.  Make sure that you keep an extra column in your trace table for the TRUE/FALSE answers to the while loop, a second extra column for the value of counter, and a third extra column for the value of numberOfIntersections (these last two columns should be labeled with the name).


Part 2: Finding Errors: Parameters


Download the file the file, and find all the compile-time (syntax) errors and logical (intent) errors that prevent the program from running.  You should keep a list of the errors using an Error Table (which you also download from the website).


Part 3: Writing Code: Parameters


Take the file, and add a new command to the RobotSmarter.  This new command should be named turnLeftMultiple, and it'll work kinda the same way that moveMultiple does - when it's called from main, main will pass in an integer identifying how many turns to make, and within turnLeftMultiple, the new command will make the robot turn left that many times.

Go through the program, and find all the places where it makes sense to replace multiple turnLeft commands with a single call to turnLeftMultiple


Part 4: Writing Code: Parameters


Take the file, and add a new command to the RobotSmarter.  This new command should be named circleDots, and it will cause the robot to circle the dot that it's next to, then move over and get ready to circle the next dot.  circleDots should also have a parameter that allows you to choose how many of these dots to circle.  In the provided file, calling circleDots(3) should cause the robot to go around the first, then the second, then the third dot.