"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
~Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
What do Polaromonas vacuolat, Methanopyrus kandleri, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Haloferax volcanii, and Natronobacaterium gregoryi have in common? Other than their exotic sounding names, these microbes live where science once thought no organism could survive. These amazing microbes are just a few examples of how diverse and rich in life our planet and universe actually are. Upon discovery that life can exist in environments that are extreme in temperature, pH (acidity and alkalinity), oxygen content, and/or pressure, science is now asking how mankind can benefit from understanding these amazing and resilient creatures known as extremophiles.
When attempting to understand the origin of life, it becomes easy to see why the study of extremophiles is important to the scientific field of astrobiology. through understanding the origins of life on Earth, mankind will be better equipped when attempting to answer questions like; is life a natural consequence of planetary formation; what will it take for terrestrial life to survive and adapt to environments in space and on other planets; and how do you get from simple chemistry to self-replicating life forms? There are literally countless questions, however we now have another resource to explore while discovering the answers to questions that may help explain the evolution of life in our universe.
This is an educational experience that will excite the minds and imagination of all those that have looked at life and asked, why? Links are available to provide additional information on astrobiology, definitions of terms, microbes, and more amazing information on life in extreme environments. The creators of this site hope you enjoy your journey into the extreme.
To learn more about the extremophiles, click on the magneto microbe!
Created by: Chris, Brandon, and Atasha