Wet, Wild, and Dirty

Stream Hydrology and North Creek



1.      Read the CCC/UWB Wetland Restoration text.

2.      Examine the map and aerial photo of North Creek and the wetland restoration. You may also use the USGS Bothell Quad for reference.

3.      North Creek is a tributary of what stream?

4.      Where is the confluence of North Creek and the above referenced stream?

5.      How many meanders does the main stem of North Creek through campus have?

6.      Is North Creek ephemeral?

7.      On the map entitled “CCC/UWB North Creek Reach D,” do the following:

a.       Determine the gradient of Reach D;

b.      Draw the thalweg;

c.       Determine the discharge at locations A, B, and C;

8.      Where would the North Creek delta be?


Reach D MAP

Wetland Map

Wetland Photo