Earth's Panspermia
The possibility of life originating on Earth, though possible, is highly unlikely. The creation of the Earth, occurred by attracting mass to a local point of gravity, When the mass would combine it would collide and meld together. During Earth's early years, a lot of internal and surface activity was occurring. The internal part of the Earth was churning and always moving, Elements were being rearranged, hot material was attempting to escape to the surface while cooler material was sinking to the lower levels. On the surface, earthquakes were constantly occurring, volcanoes would erupt and spew forth molten lava, the atmosphere had yet to be developed. Life would have died on this wild planet.
Another theory of life is that, after the initial formation of Earth, a comet or asteroid collided with the earth, and that particular object contained seeds for life, that evolved into the various forms of life we see today. The original life forms are hypothesized to have been an ooze. A primordial blob that contained cells that mutated and split. Life continued, in theory to adapt to the ocean life and over time began to explore land. Theory is says that soon life began to evolve. Now on earth dinosaurs could be found, and flying animals, swimming animals. Over time, the life on Earth had many shaky moments, but it continued to thrive and evolve thus forming the life we see around us today.