Soils Puzzle
Part A
You will work in pairs. One member will have part A, the other part B. First, individually which soil translates into which letter. Then, join with your partner to combine the word parts into the two words that fit the statement below.
Clay = G
Clay loam = O
Silty clay = I
Sandy clay loam = M
Silty clay loam = L
Loam = M
Sand = C
Loamy sand = Q
Silt loam = A
Silt = W
is sustainable
Soils Puzzle
Part B
You will work in pairs. One member will have part A, the other part B. First, individually which soil translates into which letter. Then, join with your partner to combine the word parts into the two words that fit the statement below.
Clay = G
Clay loam = O
Silty clay = I
Sandy clay loam = M
Silty clay loam = L
Loam = F
Sand = C
Loamy sand = Q
Silt loam = A
Silt = W
is sustainable