Map Projections and Decisions
"The Uncharted Lands call to the wanderer, the man with out a kin, to explore the caverns deep, seeking wealth within..." --Grilor the Bard, reciting a poem.
The act of taking the actual Earth, which id a complicated sphere, and attempting to represent it on a two-dimensional FLAT space, is quite an undertaking. It requires many decisions, including how to project the spherical image onto the flat surface, how to orient the map, and what information is to be depicted. As part of the process, the cartographer must understand the user and the intended user. This activity is designed to introduce you to this mode of thinking and problem solving.
You will note there are several maps around the room. In the following activity, you will circulate with a partner to all the maps and respond to the following for each:
When you have completed all the stations respond to the following.
for more on projections: http://nationalatlas.gov/articles/mapping/a_projections.html