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Europa is one of Jupiter moons. Europa is perhaps the most likely place in our Galaxy to contain life beyond earth. Astrobiologist believe that at one time there were perhaps oceans on the moon Europa, and now more and more evidence is being shown that perhaps there is at this moment oceans underneath Europas icy crust. In 2000 the space craft Galileo found that “Near Europa, Jupiters magnetic field changes direction every five and a half hours. These rapid fluctuations indicate that an electric current is flowing through Europa.” (Strong, 1) Since salt water conducts electricity it is very likely that there are oceans underneath Europas Icy Crust.
Water is necessary for life to be sustained it is very likely that there might be other beings deep inside Europas oceans. It is being speculated that Europa like its neighboring moon IO also has volcano’s because of the tidal pull that Europa has, which would allow water underneath the surface from freezing allowing life to be sustainable underneath the Ice of Europa. One Astrobiologist named Ron Greenly from Arizona State had this to say about life being sustainable in Europas conditions. "If we think about the basic ingredients for life, we need liquid water, we need an energy source, and we need the right organic compounds. Europa seems to be a place where those three ingredients can be found." Since we as intelligent beings have been able to see these three elements sustaining life in our own planet, it is very likely that since Europa contains all three elements that this moon may as well, be infested with other life.
Though some scientist speculate that it would be very impossible for Europa to contain life right now, under its current conditions. Kevin Zahnle of NASA's Research Center says that perhaps not right now, Ames said that perhaps if “Europa formed while Jupiter was a younger planet” then conditions would have been more sustainable because Jupiter “released greater amounts of infrared,” which would have allowed for the Moon to have been an actual ocean not frozen ice.
Whether or not Europa is festering with life, at this moment is being debated. Though we do have solid evidence that Europa has all three elements that are needed for life to be sustained. Therefore it is probably more then likely that there is life somewhere on Europa.