Journey to the Center of the Sun


  1. Examine the images of the Sun provided for you.  They have been taken by various spacecraft in the past several decades.  The use several different wavelengths to reveal different features
  2. Describe in as much detail as possible the features you see.  Note that many features visible in one wavelength are not visible in other wavelengths.
  3. Use your book (pp.508-512) to identify the features you see.
  4. Write a creative story (2-3 pp.) describing a hypothetical journey to the center of the Sun (pp.497-501).  Describe what you might see or experience as you pass through the various layers of the Sun.  Make sure to include all layers, as well as the solar wind.  Zip it up by encountering prominences, flares, etc.  Base it on true, detailed knowledge of the Sun, but also be as creative as you wish.


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