Empty Outline 4

Enzymes and Energy


Use Chapter 8 as a Reference




Outline Grading Criteria





Go to the student CD, chapter 8, activities and choose D.  This is a good review of enzymes and how they function.  Use it to begin or review when you have finished.  Either way it is good to see a visual of what you are reading about.


  1. What is an enzyme?




  1. Why is an enzyme considered a catalyst?  Give two characteristics of catalysts.




  1. What is an active site?




  1. What is a substrate?




  1. What is a product?
  2. Describe how enzymes facilitate chemical reactions.  Make a drawing including the enzyme and substrate, enzyme-substrate complex, and resulting product.  (Label the active site on the enzyme.)















7.        All enzymes are catalysts, but not all catalysts are enzymes.  Why?  What is the difference between a catalyst and an enzyme?  






8.      Are enzymes specific in their action?  Explain why or why not.






  1. Would you expect a fat and a sugar molecule to be acted upon by the same enzyme?  Explain.





  1. Enzymes molecules are organic biomolecules.  To which of the 4 major groups of biomolecules to they belong?





  1. How does changing temperature affect the rate of an enzyme-controlled chemical reaction?  Why?




12.  How does the changing of pH affect the rate of an enzyme-controlled chemical reaction?  Explain in terms of the tertiary structure of an enzyme and the role of the tertiary structure in enzyme function. 








  1. How fast do enzymes act? 








To review the following concepts, use the student CD, activity 6A.  Don’t forget there are multiple screens for some of the activities.


14. What is energy?




15. Define the following and give examples:

a.       Kinetic energy





b.      Potential energy







16. What is the relationship between kinetic energy and potential energy?







17. Define the 1st  and 2nd  laws of thermodynamics.


            1st Law:






            2nd Law:



  1. Use the first two laws of thermodynamics to explain the following:
    1. heat is released as a bald eagle soars over the wetland on campus:






    1. a runner sweats to release heat







Activity 6B refers to ATP and ADP and how they are related to each other.  On my computer I don’t get a picture associated with the text for the first screen of the activity, but I do get a visual for the second screen that is pretty good. 


  1. Make a simple diagram of ATP showing this high-energy bond.






  1. Complete this diagram by showing where “energy” both leaves and enters this cycle.





                                                            ADP + P


Label the arrow that represents an endergonic reation.  Label the arrow that   represents an exergonic reaction.  Activity 6C reviews the difference between exergonic and endergonic reactions (there are several screens to proceed through, but this is a good exercise).



  1. Which type of reaction (exergonic or endergonic) is spontaneous?  Give an example.





  1. Which type of reaction takes continual energy input to keep going?  Give an example.






  1. If a reaction is spontaneous, what does it need to begin?