Portfolio - First Page

You may keep your home page simple or make it a show place. Frequently, student change the look of their homepage several times over the course of the quarter. Below are the steps for creating your homepage. The bold words denote the action you take. Italics denote a special key or command, and dark red denotes the characters you should type. The word info appears on some lines. If you click on that word you will get more information about that line of code.

  1. Open Your HTML editor, either Notepad++ or Dreamweaver (ask me if you wish to use another specific HTML editor)
  2. Type <!DOCTYPE html> info
  3. Type <html lang="en"> info
  4. Type <head> info
  5. Press Enter
  6. Type <title> info
  7. Type Your Name and "Web Authoring Portfolio"
  8. Type </title> info
  9. Press Enter
  10. Type <meta charset="utf-8"/>info
  11. Press Enter
  12. Type </head> info
  13. Press Enter
  14. Type <body>info
  15. Press Enter
  16. Type <h1> info
  17. Type Your Name and the words "Course Portfolio"
  18. Type </h1> info
  19. Press Enter
  20. Type <p> info
  21. Type A brief introduction about yourself. </p>
  22. Press Enter
  23. Type <a href="mailto:youremailaddress">email or your name </a> info
  24. Press Enter
  25. Type </body> info
  26. Press Enter
  27. Type </html> info

You have now created a basic page with two unique elements - a heading with your name and a paragraph with a link to your email. You are now ready to save your homepage.

Select File>Save As

Make sure you named it index.html and save it as UTF-8 encoding.

If you neglect to change the format to all files it will save as a text file, not an html file. If you use caps in the name some servers will not recognize the file as your homepage for that directory.

If you saved the file correctly it will have the icon of the browser you designated as your primary browser for your system. You can now test your page by opening it in a browser.

  1. Doubleclick your directory
  2. Doubleclick the file
  3. It should open in your browser.
  4. To test in other browsers, open the other browser first
  5. Select File>Open from the browser's menu
  6. Click on Browse and locate your file.

When you have finished, upload your web site to the Cascadia student web server using the FTP Lab.