Ted's Course Materials
Cape Cod Community College

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Writing assignments and inclass assignments for DE060 and DE061 classes

Math autobiography- Required for all students, all sections

Sample math autobiography


Elementary algebra DE060


Letter to students in the mwf day sections of DE060

MWF class schedule (it is the same for both sections )


DE060 Course description


Department 8-point syllabus


Intermediate Algebra DE061


Letter to students in the mwf day sections DE061

MWF class schedule (it is the same for both sections)


Letter to students in the Wed 6:30 section DE061

Wednesday Night class schedule DE061


Letter to students in the Tue 3:30 section DE061

Tuesday Night Class Schedule DE061


DE061 Course description


Department 8-pont syllabus


Math autobiography- Required for all students, all sections

Sample math autobiography


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