Dynamic HTML ( DHTML )

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This page is a serves as both a record of the things I've figured out how to do in DHTML, a choppy tutorial for those interested, and a reference about DHTML. To that end, I'll briefly explain what I know about DHTML, then recap/reference stuff, then list 'scratchpad' works.

Firstly, the Microsoft DHTML (which, as I understand it, has been mostly incorporated into HTML4.0)(in no small part because Netscape apparantly was too busy shipping Communicator 4.0 -- they didn't even show up to one meeting)(enough ranting) appears to mostly be existing syntax, with the change that scripts may now change elements on a page. Previously, JavaScript could be used to dynamically generate the page, but once you called document.write( "whatever" ), the "whatever" stayed on the page, never to be changed again. The main change that DHTML makes is that you can now change elements, change properties, change text, etc, without having to regenerate the entire page. There are other features (e.g., scriplets), but the ability to change HTML is the most noticable

To better understand what you can do with DHTML, then, you need to know what existing technologies comprise it, and how DHTML changes their behavior. Firstly, DHTML is composed of:

I also have a Questions/scratchpad region on this page

Style Sheets

Style sheets consist of a syntax for specifying how text is to be formated/arranged/positioned. I believe that there is some provision for absolute placement on a page, but haven't learned about it yet, and honestly wouldn't use it anyways. The CSS standard allows one to place these style definitions in a variety of locations:

Using a separate file

There has been a new tag created, called LINK, which specifies what file to use for styles. It can be used like so:
<LINK REL=STYLE TYPE="text/css" HREF="http://www.mycompany.com/mystyles.css">
Note that all three properties are required

Format for in- HEAD style specification:

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
TAG { 	text-indent: 24pt;
	margin-top: 0pt;
	margin-bottom: 0pt }

Tag is replaced by whatever tag you wish to specify, such as P, for the <P> tag. Note that the style specification is applied to all elements within the page.

Element-by-element Style

Within the an arbitrary tag, you can add the STYLE attribute, and follow it with any style formatting you want to apply to just this text, like so:

<P STYLE="text-indent:24pt; margin-top:0pt: margin-bottom:6pt"> Text Here</P>

All the same rules apply as for the header case: begin/end curly braces, semicolons, etc. If you want to apply a style to an arbitrary run of characters, you can use the <SPAN> tag, which does nothing except apply (any) style information to the text it encloses


Classes differentiate a given style, so that you can create say, a paragraph style that will be used throughout the page, and then an indented paragraph for quoting a book. They are created like so:

TAG.classname { <stuff> }
Note that classname is the name of the class, and thereafter, if you want an instance of a TAG to be that class, you use:
<TAG class="classname">text here </TAG>

Note that we can also name the style of specific elements, using their IDs. We'll cover IDs later, but for now simply note that it can be done with the following syntax:

P.newClass { <stuff> }
#IDToFurtherSpecify { <MoreStuff> }

CSS Property Mini-Reference

border: silver thick solid
sets a box outline around this section that is color silver, and a thick solid line
Text is written in
The background is drawn using the color specified
text-indent: Xpt
Specifies that the text of the first line should be indented by X points. Independent of the DT tag's indentation (that's controled by margin-left)
margin-left: Xpt
Indent this text X points from the left margin. Controls the DD indentation, etc
margin-top: Xpt
Controls how many points are between this tag-text-cluster and the one above it.
margin-bottom: Xpt
Specifies that there should be X points of space between this text and the text following it.
Sets the alignment of text, in this case, to be centered
text-transform: uppercase
Transform all text into UPPERCASE

ExtraSite References


There are provisions for having style sheets influence each other, and thus creating multiple sheets that cascade their styles from one to the other (thus the name Cascading Style Sheets ), but I'm not going to cover that here


The next major component of DHTML is a form of embedded logic, called a script. Scripts are essentially programs, though the lack of debugging support for them seems to limit their usefulness to smaller projects. Netscape has a product out for debugging JavaScript, though I haven't seen it.

Within this tutorial, I'm going to use JavaScript, because then syntax is similar enough to Java/C so as to be easily used by me. I'm not going to say much about it, except that most of being able to use JavaScipt seems to be knowing how to refer to things in the Web browser. In contrast to traditional languages, wherein you try and compute something like the square root of X, or quicksort an array, most of JavaScript involves getting the browser to jump through hoops.Some interesting sites that contain info about JavaScript are:


Once you've built a couple of scripts, you may think "Gee, this is great, but I don't want to copy-and-paste between pages, and I certainly don't want to copy-and-paste, then update one page, and forget to update another page." The way to get around this is to use a scriptlet, which is simply an html page that you can embed (as an object) into your html page, and then access global variables and functions as if they were methods of the embeded page (object).
Don't forget to make the embeded html page world-readable!! There are two parts to scriptlets: making them and using them

Making a scriptlet
To make a scriptlet, simply make a regular .html (or .asp) page, and put it somewhere world-readable (this is easy to forget). The only provision for exporting variables and functions is that the name should be prefixed with "public_", like so:
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript"> var public_MyVariable = "Yupper!";
function public_MyExposedMethod( param1, param2 )
{ Blah blah blah }</SCRIPT>

If you want a UI for your scriptlet, write out some regular HTML into the body of the page. There an an example I've written for this site

Using a scriptlet
Using a scriptlet is a bit trickier, but not by much. Essentially, we create a (COM) scriptlet object in the page, and tell the object that the url it should load is <whatever>. For ease of use, we can name the object with the ID property, and thereafter, we can call functions from the scriplet, or get at it's variables, by using name.method, like so:
<OBJECT ID="Scriptlet" width=0 height=0 TYPE="text/x-scriptlet" DATA="http://your.scriptlet.url/goes/here.html"></OBJECT>
<SPAN onClick="Scriptlet.MyExposedMethod( param1, param2 );>
Note that

That's about it. The other thing to note is that because there's a COM object that actually loads the scriptlet and exposes it's methods, programs written in C, C++, VB, J++, etc, can use scriptlets both for code and UI purposes



This is neat text

Click to change the above

Click to clear the screen

DHTML Reference: