Binary Search Trees: Remove; QuickSort

Individual Post-Class Exercises

NOTE Because this is the very last lesson, this Lesson may be due on an unusual day and/or an unusual time.
Please check the main page for the due date for this Lesson.


  1. Lesson Setup

    1. Start-of-lecture Slides   (Required)

    2. Final Exam: Q+A & Review

    3. 'Starter' project for the lesson 09 PCEs (VS 2013)
      This is the combined starter project for both BST-Remove and QuickSort.  Please let the instructor know ASAP if you find anything wrong
      Note: Please do copy code from your prior lessons and paste it into this lesson, whenever you can reuse useful code.
    4. Watch the online videos for this lesson and demonstrate your knowledge (Hand-In)
      You can download a .ZIP of all the videos for this lesson from Microsoft's OneDrive website by opening the folder (click this link to open the folder), then clicking on the "Download" menu item.
      1. Starter File for outlining this lesson's videos

      2. Viewing Quiz

  2. BST: Remove

    1. VIDEO: BST - Remove (Concepts)
    2. VIDEO: BST: Remove By Hand Exercise
    3. Exercise: BST: Remove By Hand (Hand In)
    4. VIDEO: BST: Remove (Overview)
    5. Exercise: BST: Remove preview
    6. Exercise: BST: FindAndRemoveNextSmaller (in C#) (Hand-In)
    7. Exercise: BST: Remove (coded in C#) (Hand-In)
  3. Understanding QuickSort

    1. VIDEO: QuickSort Algorithm
      1. QuickSort SlideShow (this are the same slides used in the above video)
    2. Exercise: Demonstrating Only The Partition Method Step By Step, By Hand (Not Required, But It Will Be On The Final Exam)
      (NOTE: This is a Word file, so you can easily print it)
    3. Exercise: Demonstrating The Entire QuickSort By Hand (Not Required, But It Will Be On The Final Exam)
    4. For a fun, visual demonstration of different sorting algorithms:
  4. Implementing (Writing Code For) QuickSort

    1. Exercise: Preview: QuickSort
    2. Exercise: QuickSort: Partition (Hand-In)
    3. Exercise: QuickSort: Implementing QuickSort (Hand-In)
    4. VIDEO: QuickSort Time / Space
    5. VIDEO: QuickSort Worst Case
  5. Fill Out The CIEs For This Course

    1. Go to
    2. Enter your Cascadia email, username and password
    3. Select the class from the drop down menu
    4. Click on the start evaluation button
    5. Fill out and submit the survey
    6. While the site operates in all browsers, it works more efficiently from Firefox or Chrome
  6. Last Steps

    1. Hand in your work:
      Go to the StudentTracker  web app, and create an account for yourself, and then "enroll" in the course.
      Please submit a .ZIP (and ONLY a .ZIP - not a .RAR, .7z, etc) that contains the Program.cs file, the video outline/viewing quiz .DOCX (or .PDF), any other files you wish to include, and leaves out every thing else (as much as possible).

    2. Make sure that you're working on the next homework assignment.
      Details are listed on the
      homework assignment page.
      The due date is listed on the main page.
    3. Practice what you've learned
      Remember that in order to really learn this stuff you're going to need to practice it.  Go back and redo the exercises from this lesson until you've really got it down.  Go back to the prior lesson(s) and review and redo that.  Make sure that you've really got this stuff in your head (and remember that it gets easier each time you redo the work)!
In-Class Materials:

These materials are used by students in the hybrid class during leture time.  Online students can safely ignore everything in this 'In Class Materials' box.

In-Class Materials:

Instructor's Materials:

Videos recorded during class (of the In-Class Exercises):