Remove A Node At An Arbitrary Index


The goal of this exercise is to make sure that you can implement the logic needed to remove items from the middle of a linked list.

 What you need to do for this exercise:  

  1. For this exercise, you need to implement the RemoveAt method in the provided MyLinkedList class.
    1. This class should be found in the Student_Answers.cs file, in a project named something like 03_PCE_StudentCode.   In the starter project, in the OO_Linked_List project, you'll find a class named MyLinkedList
  2. The RemoveAt method looks like:

    void RemoveAt(uint index);

    You've already seen (from the lecture) how to build a function which will insert the new integer into a linked list, at the given index, so the overall details will not be explained here, with two exceptions.
    1. Index is a ‘zero-based’ index, meaning that the first item in the list has the index value “0”.  So if the list contains
      {1,2, 3}
      and you call RemoveAt( 0), the the resulting list would look like:
      {2, 3}
    2. If index is larger than the list, the method should do nothing
  3. Annotate this method (put a comment next to this method) describing the running time of that method, using the Big "Oh" notation.