Lesson 07

(Please ignore this - these are notes for myself for the next iteration of this course)

Feedback / Improvements on exericses:
(Please ignore this - these are notes for myself for the next iteration of this course)
Preview Videos:
  1. Unit Testing Overview
    REDO: Too long, too rambling

Redo Voting: In general, record shorter videos?

  1. Unit Testing Overview
  2. NUnit Intro
  3. Making the tests pass (by changing the tests - only to learn NUnit)
  4. Running a console app (using Set as Startup Project) ; How to hand-in stuff
  5. Producing your own gradesheet
  6. Basic Unit Test
  7. Capturing Output From Your Code
  8. Deciphering tests that use the [Values] attribute
  9. Deciphering tests that use the [TestCase] attribute
  10. Deciphering tests that implicitly use the [SetUp] attribute
    x1 More explanation about what it's going to do?


Note: The 'BarChart' exercise used to have a video associated with it.  The video has been removed, but there's an outline in Lesson 06 about it.