Lesson 06

(Please ignore this - these are notes for myself for the next iteration of this course)

None of the videos clearly addresses the 'null parmaeter' thing!!


Feedback / Improvements on exericses:
(Please ignore this - these are notes for myself for the next iteration of this course)
Redo Voting: Several people commented that all the videos were fine for this week
  1. Inheritance: Conceptual overview
  2. Inheritance: vocabulary
  3. Inheritance: Inheriting data
  4. Inheritance: Constructors
  5. Polymorphism: Overriding Methods
  6. Polymorphism: An Array Of Objects With An Overridden Method
  7. Named Constants
    more clearly define what a magic number is
This is an outline for the 'BarChart' exercise (which has since been moved to Lesson 07)

Brief Outline of Video:

(this may or may not be useful to you.  If it is useful, then great!  If it’s not, then please ignore this J )


·        You’ll work with a class, that contains an array

·        What is a bar chart?

o   Nice computer graphics picture as an intuitive guide to what a bar chart should look like

·        What will your program produce?

o   A quick overview of the PrintBarChart and GetAverage methods

·        Constructor –allocates arrays

·        Look @ existing methods

·        Basic idea: manage an array of values for you

o   Has helper functions to eliminate busy work & make things more clear

o   Has a couple of methods for you to implement

·        Look @ main for examples of usage

o   OOP: quickly & easily create several instances of the Histogram class

§  Notice how we can use two objects in the same code

§  OOP packages stuff up nice

o   Flow of the program: create histograms, then test

§  Mostly call each method, then verify results

§  Adjust data, then call again