Ice01jQuery Syntax and Usage

Note:  Please keep the programs that you create today, in case you have a question about your grades for the ICEs at the end of the quarter. When you're working with a partner, each person should save his-or-her own copy.



  • Investigate the jQuery Syntax and common practices
  • Explore the jQuery API
  • Begin considering JQuery chaining



ICE ICE 10 Part 1: jQuery

  1. Review the jQuery website, especially the jQuery brief look, the try JQuery section, and the jQuery API Reference section.
  2. Try a few of the exercises in the Try jQuery introduction

ICE ICE 10 Part 2: jQuery Code

Examine the jQuery in this basic jQuery page. Identify the Event Handler functions, the Selector Syntax and the Effects in the code.

ICE ICE 10 Part 3: jQuery Chaining

Notice the chaining of methods together in the following jQuery. Save the single line of code into different places in the script tag in the previous file and observe what it does.

$("<p>").css({'background-color':'yellow', 'font-size':'5em'}).text("jQuery is Groovy!").appendTo("body");

ICE ICE 10 Part 4: tryjQuery

Complete at least four (4) exercises in the TryjQuery section. Show your instructor as you complete each one or else take screen caps of of the four completed and show your instructor.

When you get done with this exercise, show your Instructor.