
All assignments are submitted electronically. When your assignment is complete, zip and upload all necessary files into the proper assignment location in StudentTracker.

  • Assignments will be considered submitted when you upload the appropriate zip file via StudentTracker. If you want to change or append your submission or make changes, you can upload it again. If there are multiple submissions, I will grade the submission with the most current datetime stamp and ignore the rest (so please make sure to include a complete copy of your work each and every time).
  • The zip file should also include a pertinent Assessment Sheet with your name, the date and any comments regarding the performance of your script as compared to the assignment specifications.
  • The instructor may grade the work at any point after the due date and time.  If you do not hand in the work by the time that the instructor grades it you will get a zero.
  • Until the instructor actually grade the work you may keep uploading newer copies.  I will grade the submission with the most current datetime stamp and ignore the previous versions, as described above.
  • In strong>every script file, provide comment lines for your Full Name, BIT285, the Assignment Number, the Date.
  • Use clearly written comments to document the purpose of each function or any other code segment that needs clarification. Depending on the pertinent code, you might want to use // Comment, /* Comment */, or <%-- Comment --%> (in Visual Studio, Ctrl+K,C to comment a line, Ctrl+K, U to uncomment)
  • Use meaningful names for classes, variables, functions, and methods. Follow set coding conventions throughout (whether camelcase or _underscore).
  • Use clear, consistent indentation.. Follow set coding conventions for indenting.
    Remember that Visual Studio can indent your code for you -
  • Programming is best done as a em>collaborative activity and I greatly encourage you to engage and work with others in the class in order to clarify the conceptual understanding necessary to complete your assignments. Pairing or partnering can be a good and helpful tool for problem-solving. However, simply copying another person’s work (in whole or in part, either manually or electronically) and slapping your own name on it is not acceptable. Even if you worked with others, the programs you submit should represent your own thinking.

Assignment 1

Assignment 1: Web Forms

Due:: TBA
Revision:: TBA

Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Database

Revision:: TBA

Assignment 3

Assignment 3: REST Framework

Due:: TBA