Utilizing Collection Classes


Individual Post-Class Exercises

NOTE Because this is the very last lesson, this Lesson may be due on an unusual day and/or an unusual time.
Please check the main page for the due date for this Lesson.
  1. Lesson Setup

    1. NOTE: Anyone who submits a reasonably complete/correct copy of this by Tuesday, Dec 12th at 11am will get 5 points of extra credit.

      1. I qualified this with "reasonably complete/correct" only because I occcassionally get students who will hand in blank copies of the assignment to try and grab the extra credit.  As long as people put in an honest effort (regardless of whether your work is perfectly correct or not) then I want you to get the extra credit.

    2. Start-of-lecture Slides   (Required)

    3. Final Exam: Q+A & Review

    4. 'Starter' project for the PCEs (VS 2017)
    5. Watch the online videos for this lesson and demonstrate your knowledge (Hand-In)
      You can download a .ZIP of all the videos for this lesson from Microsoft's OneDrive website by opening the folder (click this link to open the folder), then clicking on the "Download" menu item.
      1. There is no Viewing Quiz for this lesson - you must fill out a Video Outline, instead

      2. Starter File for outlining this lesson's videos
        If you haven't done a Video Outline for this course before don't panic!  There are directions for outlining the videos here. There are three, short videos (2-5 minutes each) that walk you through creating an outline in MS Word.

  2. Using .Net Collections classes in C#

    1. VIDEO: Overview Of Collections
      1. You can click here for the slides used in the 'Collections Overview' video
    2. Exercises: None
      NOTE: This originally said something about BSTs (which is the prior lesson's topic).  This was changed on 12/11 at 10am
  3. The List<> Collection class

    1. VIDEO: The List<> Collection
      1. You can click here for the slides used in the List<> video
    2. Exercise:  List<> basics
    3. Exercise: Fibonacci numbers in a List<> (Hand In)
  4. The LinkedList<> Collection class

    1. VIDEO: The LinkedList<> Collection
      1. You can click here for the slides used in the 'LinkedList<> video
    2. Exercise:  LinkedList<> basics
    3. Exercise: Using a LinkedList<> to create a Stack<> (Hand In)
  5. Last Steps

    1. Please provide me with feedback on this lesson so I can improve it
      Please go to this form and fill it out.  The form is pretty quick, very open-ended, and your feedback is much appreciated.
      Note: Providing your name is optional, so TI can't dock you points for not doing it. Please do it anyways - it's quick, and it'll help improve the class for future students

    2. Hand in your work:
      Please hand your work in through GitHub.
      For this lesson you will need to clone the GitHub repo for this lesson, then add all your files to it (you can do this by copy-and-pasting the entire folder containing all your lesson's work), adding and commiting those files, and then pushing all your work up to GitHub.

      1. Here's the link for the GitHub Classroom repo for this Lesson

    3. Practice what you've learned
      Remember that in order to really learn this stuff you're going to need to practice it.  Go back and redo the exercises from this lesson until you've really got it down.  Go back to the prior lesson(s) and review and redo that.  Make sure that you've really got this stuff in your head (and remember that it gets easier each time you redo the work)!
In-Class Materials:

These materials are used by students in the hybrid class during leture time.  Online students can safely ignore everything in this 'In Class Materials' box.

In-Class Materials:

  • Detailed instructions for in-class work
  • Starter project for the in-class exercises

Instructor's Materials:


Videos recorded during class (of the In-Class Exercises):

  • Videos from this class are available on Microsoft's OneDrive

The following are hidden (display:none)

List exercises

  1. read a bunch of values from <>, sort them, repeatedly find them (using BinarySearch)
  2. Redo some exercises from BIT 142's 'arrays' section
    1. Using only part of the array (Hand-In)  - create array, put <= 10 positive integers into array (negative numbers mean 'exit')
    2. Returning an array (Hand-In) PrintArray, and CreateRandomlyFilledArray
    3. Sieve of Erastothenes?

Linked List Exercises

  1. Game: SumUp: LL of numbers need to sum up to a particular, target number.  Allowed operations: add two, adjacent numbers, split an even number into two equal parts, multiply two adjacent number together (replacing them both with the result), divide the first number by the second (replacing both with the result)
    SumUp to 3
    1 1 3 2
    1 +1, then 2 * 3, then 6/2

    SumUp to 3
    2 3 1 1
    1 +1, then 2 * 3, then 6/2

    SumUp to 3
    2 3 1 1
    1 +1, then 2 * 3, then 6/2
  2. BubbleSort the list?
  3. Clone the list?


Utilizing data structures that other people have built




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