Recursive Traversal Method: PrintIterative


The goal for this exercise is to implement the binary search tree’s Print method, in C# source code. 

This exercise is intended as more of an open-ended, challenging exercise.  You will need to go beyond what has been covered in the book/lecture, and apply what you’ve learned previously to do this exercise.

 What you need to do for this exercise: 

  1. In the provided starter solution, there is a project named something like 03_PCE_StudentCodeer, there is a class named BinarySearchTreeFor this exercise, you should implement the ‘PrintIterative’ method using iteration instead of recursion.

    Instead of writing this as a recursive method, use a loop and a Stack (of references to BSTNodes) to accomplish the goal of printing out (in ascending order) all the values in the tree. 

    Before you try writing the code for this part, spend some time thinking about how to use the stack to simulate the recursive calls.  If you don't have a solid game plan going into this, you won't be able to start it.  Feel free to discuss this on the Google Group, or ask the instructor for hints, or verify that your approach sounds reasonable before you start coding.