BST: Finding A Value In The Tree


The goal for this exercise is to implement the binary search tree’s Find method, in C# source code.


What you need to do for this exercise: 

  1. In the provided starter solution, there is a project named something like  03_PCE_StudentCode, there is a class named BinarySearchTreeFor this exercise, you should implement the ‘FindR’ method, as described in the lecture.
    1. The Find has one parameter: an int  - the value to search for. 
      It should return true if the specified value is present, and false otherwise.

      You should be able to accomplish this by modeling your code off of what you saw in class, although I'd recommend doing as much of this from memory as possible.
    2. This method MUST be implemented using Recursion.  You will get no points for a solution that does not use a recursive approach to solve this problem.