Adding a file to your git repo using Visual Studio:

The goal for this exercise is to make sure that you can use Visual Studio to add a new file to your local git repo ("local" means "the one on your computer, instead of the one on GitHub")

            For this exercise you'll put a new file into the project and commit that change.  This will allow you to add files to your program if you'd like.


For this exercise th ename file that you upload will have your name in it so that I can figure out which GitHub repo goes with this person :)


If your account name is pretty close to your real name then I can use that to figure out which repo is yours.  But if you've got a GitHub username that's different than your real name then it's really tricky for me to find which repo belongs to you.


For example, since my name is Michael Panitz I might name the file Panitz, Michael.txt.  My last name (Panitz) that I used to register for the class is clearly visible in the filename which will help the instructor to clearly identify who's work this is.

This will help me grade your work quickly, accurately, and get you the points that you've earned! :)


What you need to do for this exercise:  

  1. Make sure that you've still got the GitHub_Practice solution open in Visual Studio
  2. Within your project create a new text file that clearly shows me your name (in the name of the file)
    1. Click on File -> New -> File:
      File -> New -> File
    2. In the left-hand column make sure that you click on the 'General' tab.
      In the main window click on 'Text File'
      Then click 'Open'
      General / Text File / Open
    3. At this point you'll be looking at an empty text file:
      Empty text file
      (The '1' that you see is the line number for that first line tha tyou can start typing on)
    4. Please type your name into this file.
      I shouldn't need it, but it doesn't hurt and it's weird to have save an empty file :)
    5. Next, save the file by clicking File -> Save Textfile1.txt
    6. Here's the important thing: SAVE THE FILE SO THAT THE FILE'S NAME SHOWS ME YOUR NAME!!!!!
      If you could list your last name, then your first name that would be strongly prefered.
      (By "last name" I mean "when you registered for classes with Cascadia College whatever you told Cascadia is your last name")
      Then click 'Save':
      Name the file with your name!!
  3. Add that new file to git (so that you can push this to GitHub along with the rest of your changes)
    In VIsual Studio open up the Git Changes panel by using the View --> Git Changes option.:
  4. You should see the file that you just added listed under 'Changes'.
    Click the + icon to tell git that you'd like to stage the file
    (To stage the file tells git to save a copy of the file so that you can commit it later.  Because staging and commiting are two separate steps this lets you pick out only some of the files to commit)

  5. At this point there's three things to notice or do:

    1. Notice that the file is now listed under 'Staged Changes'
    2. Make sure that you include a commit messsage describing your changes
    3. Finally, click on the 'Commit Staged' button to commit the new file to your local copy of the git repo