Returning a Value from a Function

The goal for this exercise is to make sure that you can create and use basic functions, and that you can return information from those functions using return values.

What you need to do to prepare for this exercise:

What you need to do for this exercise

In the starter project, fill in the Return_Values.RunExercise method. This method will call a method that you create, named returnMax(). returnMax should have an integer return type and accept two integer parameters (you will need to change it to do this). It returns the value of the larger integer when it is called.

Call the returnMax function from Return_Values.RunExercise(), passing two integer arguments to it. Display the return value and verify that it is the larger of the two arguments passed to the function.

Note: Much of this code is already provided to you – you should be able to focus on only the parameter-passing / return value part of this exercise (plus a quick review on conditional statements )