How To Hand In Your Weekly Work

How to hand in your work:

Within Canvas, in the left-hand column you'll find a link to this course's Assignments.  Click on that lnk, as pictured here:

Within that page you'll find a category/group named "Weekly Exercises", and within that you'll find an assignment for "Lesson 1". (or "Lesson 2" for the second week, etc)

Please hand in your work here for BOTH the weekly Exercises (PCEs) AND for the Viewing Quiz/Video Outline for this Lesson.

There are no grades attached to this particular item - it exists only to give you a single place to hand in all the work for this Lesson.

Grades are separately reported for the PCEs and also separately reported for the Viewing Quiz/Video Outline (both are reported in the Canvas gradebook)

What you need to hand in:

Common Gotchyas (mistakes):