BIT 142– Assignment #1

DUE DATE: < Listed In Course Schedule >

'Flashcard' Quiz Program:
 Modulus, and other operators


            You are not allowed to work in groups this assignment.  For this assignment, you should start, finish, and do all the work on your own.  If you have questions, please contact the instructor.



Learning Objectives:
(This is a list of the major topics that you, as students, will learn in this assignment:)

  1. Operators
    In this assignment, you will need to write a program that uses several C#operators, including the modulus operator, and the integer division operator.
  2. Conditional execution control
    In this assignment, you will need to write code that utilizes if statements, if/else statements, and switch statements.
  3. Basic Console I/O
    In this assignment, you will need to write code that outputs basic information to the user, via the console.  You will also need to understand both console-based input and output, in order to write the code that you need to, to complete this assignment.
  4. Elementary Solution Synthesis
    In this assignment, you will be provided with a starter project, and you will need to add your code to it, in order to successfully complete the assignment.  The parts that you need to modify are clearly marked (using comments).  In order to create your solution you'll need to need to understand the rest of the code.  Understanding existing code and successfully adding to it (or modifying it) is a key skill for anyone who uses programming in their job (whether they're a professional programmer or not)


Please note that this assignment consists of two parts - part #1 is mostly coding, and part #2 (below) is entirely written.  Make sure to do both!


Part 1: Writing the program: Modulus Operator


For this assignment, you will write part of a simple, Console-based program that will quiz you (and anyone else who uses it) on the use of several operators (including the the modulus, or 'remainder', operator) in computer programming languages, such as C#.

The basic idea behind the program is that it will randomly generate two numbers (within a range that the user selects), and then ask the user what the answer is, when you apply some operator.  If the user types in the correct answer, the program will congratulate the user.  If the user types in the wrong answer, the program will encouragingly inform the user that the answer is not correct, and will then inform the user of what the correct answer is.  This process (having the program pick two numbers randomly, and then asking the user the result of doing A % B, or A + B, or A * B, etc) should be repeated a number of times (how many is chosen by the user).

Four example transcripts of how the program works appears below – your program's output should be the same, but can differ in whitespace (i.e., it should look exactly identical to what's below, except for maybe an extra space, or a missing space).  User input is given in bold.  Make sure that you display the correct operator in your output! (For example: "What is the result of 92 % 44?" vs. "What is the result of 92 + 44?")  Also - make sure that you implement the fourth quiz option, which is a bit different than the first three (the first three use only one operator, but the last option uses two - first integer division, then the modulus operator.


Welcome to The Quiz Program!
You can be quizzed on any of the following operators:
1) % (modulus, or 'remainder')
2) * (multiplication)
3) / (integer division)
4) / % (integer division & modulus in a combined challenge!
Type the number of the operator that you wish to be quizzed on: 1

I will ask you to tell me the result of

     A % B

What is the smallest value of A: 0
What is the largest value of A: 100
What is the smallest value of B: 40
What is the largest value of B: 50

How many times do you wish to be quizzed:

Ok, we're ready to go!
What is the result of 92 % 44?   4
4 is correct!
What is the result of 92 % 48?   4
Good try, but no: 92 % 48 = 44
What is the result of 18 % 47?   47
Good try, but no: 18 % 47 = 18
Thank you for using this program - have a nice day!

Press the 'Return' key to exit


Welcome to The Quiz Program!
You can be quizzed on any of the following operators:
1) % (modulus, or 'remainder')
2) * (multiplication)
3) / (integer division)
4) / % (integer division & modulus in a combined challenge!
Type the number of the operator that you wish to be quizzed on: 2

I will ask you to tell me the result of

     A * B

What is the smallest value of A: 0
What is the largest value of A: 100
What is the smallest value of B: 40
What is the largest value of B: 50

How many times do you wish to be quizzed:

Ok, we're ready to go!
What is the result of 45 * 41?   1845
1845 is correct!
What is the result of 14 * 50?   200
Good try, but no: 14 * 50 = 700
What is the result of 81 * 40?   200
Good try, but no: 81 * 40 = 3240
Thank you for using this program - have a nice day!
Press the 'Return' key to exit

Welcome to The Quiz Program!
You can be quizzed on any of the following operators:
1) % (modulus, or 'remainder')
2) * (multiplication)
3) / (integer division)
4) / % (integer division & modulus in a combined challenge!
Type the number of the operator that you wish to be quizzed on: 3

I will ask you to tell me the result of

     A / B (integer division)

What is the smallest value of A: 10
What is the largest value of A: 20
What is the smallest value of B: 1
What is the largest value of B: 10

How many times do you wish to be quizzed:

Ok, we're ready to go!
What is the result of 17 / 2?   8
8 is correct!
What is the result of 12 / 9?   9
Good try, but no: 12 / 9 = 1
What is the result of 10 / 10?   1
1 is correct!
Thank you for using this program - have a nice day!
Press the 'Return' key to exit


Welcome to The Quiz Program!
You can be quizzed on any of the following operators:
1) % (modulus, or 'remainder')
2) * (multiplication)
3) / (integer division)
4) / % (integer division & modulus in a combined challenge!
Type the number of the operator that you wish to be quizzed on: 4
You need to type in a number that is 4 or less:

I will ask you to tell me the result of

     (A / B ) % C (integer division, then modulus)

What is the smallest value of A: 10
What is the largest value of A: 20
What is the smallest value of B: 10
What is the largest value of B: 20
What is the smallest value of C: 1
What is the largest value of C: 5

How many times do you wish to be quizzed:

Ok, we're ready to go!
What is the result of (12 / 15) % 3?   0
0 is correct!
What is the result of (15 / 18) % 1?   0
0 is correct!
What is the result of (17 / 10) % 2?   10
Good try, but no: (17 / 10) % 2 = 1
Thank you for using this program - have a nice day!
Press the 'Return' key to exit


Your job for this assignment is to implement this program in C#.

As a final note, there are three major objectives for this assignment

  1. For the student to learn more about operators (including the modulus operator, and the 'integer division' aspect of the division operator)

  2. and to make sure that each student is comfortable using conditional statements, specifically:

    1. A series of basic if statements

    2. A series of if...else statements

    3. A single switch statement.

    In order to receive full credit for this assignment, you need to implement all three versions of this solution, which is explained in greater detail in comments, in the source code for the assignment (in the file Program.cs - from lines 270 through 318)

  3. and to start getting used to reading through other peoples' programs, and to modify or build on the existing code instead of writing everything from scratch.

    In order to achieve this you need to first skim / read through the existing code in order to get a handle on what the program already does, and to then extend that program by adding your code to the sections marked


    (Where 'XXXXXXXXXX' is replaced with the specific stuff you should be worked on)


Part 2: Critical Thinking

            You need to write up your answers to the following questions, and store those answers in any format the instructor can read.  A Microsoft Word document is fine, text is fine, HTML is fine, PDF is fine.  For anything else, ask first.  Clearly, the program you're writing for this assignment may be helpful in answering these questions, but if you do them 'by hand' (or rather, 'by mind'), that's great, too. 

            It is expected that you will be develop an understanding of the modulus operator in part by utilizing the completed program.  While the instructor isn't able to actually check, you should understand that it is a requirement of this assignment that you use your completed program to do just this - play around with it, try different combinations of range, etc, etc.


            For all of the following questions, assume that you're working with the equation

A % B = C.

            For each question, clearly and concisely state your answer, as well as an intuitive, easy-to-understand explanation explaining why you always get the answer that you do.  Imagine that you're trying to explain this to someone who neither programs, nor does much math.


1.      When A is less than B, what will C be?


2.      When A is == B, what will C be?


Group Work, Commenting:


            You are not allowed to work in groups for this assignment.  You should start, finish, and do all the work on your own.  If you have questions, please contact the instructor.


            Additionally, you should aggressively comment your code, paying particular attention to areas that are difficult to understand.  If you found something to be tricky when you wrote it, make sure to comment it so that the next person (the instructor, who's grading you) understands what your code is doing.  It is not necessary to comment every single line.


The purpose of new requirement is to both help you understand, and have you demonstrate, a thorough understanding of exactly how your program works.


Every file that you turn in should have:

·        At the top of each file that you normally edit, you should put your name (first and last), the name of this class (“BIT 142”), and the year and quarter, and the assignment number, including the revision number, which starts at 0 (“A1.0”).  If you’re handing this in again for a regrade, make sure to increase the minor version number by one (from “A1.0”, to “A1.1").
You normally edit the C# source code files (.CS files), and any Word documents that you're handing in (if any).
You do not normally edit the .SLN or .CSPROJ files, and so you should not try to put this identifying information in those files.


In general, you should make sure to do the following before handing in your project:

·        All variables used should have meaningful names.

·        The code should be formatted consistently, and in an easy to read format.   


What to turn in:


·        A single electronic folder (a directory).  This folder should contain:

o       The source code for the program – all the .CS files in your project.
I would prefer that you include the project files – stuff ending in .SLN and .VCPROJ, so I can build your project more easily.  If you can save these files (the .SLN / . VCPROJ) into a file format that can be opened by VS.Net 2003, that would be great.

o       You have to name the folder with your last name, then first name, then the assignment number (both the major version – 2, and the minor (revision) number – 0).  Example: "Panitz, Mike, A2.0"


·        You should not include the bin or obj directories, or anything from it.  I will dock you a couple points if you do.


How to electronically submit your homework:

There's a link on the homework page to the document that guides you through handing in your work.


This document and the related materials are developed with support from Microsoft Research Computer Gaming Initiative under the Computer Gaming Curriculum in Computer Science RFP, Award Number 15871.