Creating a Com Server in Java

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 (This page is massively under construction -- see the on-line help in VJ++ for more info!)

  1. Create the IDL/ODL file to describe how/what you want to interface with
  2. Use MkTypLib (or MIDL) to generate a TLB file
  3. Use the JavaTlb utility to make the java wrapper class, and Register the TLB
  4. Write the class in Java, compile -- Make sure to put this into the right directory!!!!
  5. Use JavaReg to register your new class
  6. Use in a client program


All Rights Reserved 1997 by Michael William Panitz (
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Please note that OLE, COM, ActiveX, book titles, etc are NOT in any way reserved or trademarked by Mike, but instead belong to their resepective owners. The author would also like to gratefully acknowledge the MS Visual C++ help files as being a much appreciated source of information, particularly for function/interface prototypes, data type definitions, etc.