Survey of Astronomy -- Laboratory




Wide are the meadows of night,
And daisies are shining there,
Tossing their lovely dews,
Lustrous and fair;
And through these sweet fields go,
Wand'rers 'mid the stars---
Venus, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars.
'Tired in their silver, they move,
And circling, whisper and say,
Fair are the blossoming meads of delight
Through which we stray.

“Wanderers” by  Walter de la Mare


I.        Objective


Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), a German mathematician and astronomer, was a man on a quest to discover order and harmony in the solar system.  He lived at a time when the motions of the planets through space were not well understood:  Nicolaus Copernicus had only recently (1543) published his claim that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of the solar system, and the idea was not well accepted.  With years of hard work, and without the benefit of calculus or the Universal Law of Gravitation (both invented by Isaac Newton only in the latter half of the 17th century), Kepler was able to derive three laws that state how the planets move in their orbits around the Sun.  In this lab, you will learn about Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, and explore some of their consequences.


You may wish to refer to pages 72-73 in your text.


II.                 Exercises


Kepler’s First Law:

The planetary orbits are ellipses, with the Sun located at one focus.


For this part of the lab, you will work in groups.  You will need two pins, a loop of string, a clean sheet of paper, and a piece of cardboard.  You will then be shown how to use these materials to draw an ellipse.


Each person in the group will tie their string to make a loop.  Each loop should be of slightly different length: start with 15 cm. of string, then perhaps 16 or 14, and so on.  Do not make the loop so large that the ellipse you will draw is to large for the paper.  Each person in your group should begin by placing their pins 4 cm. apart.  After you each draw your first ellipse, compare each others figure.  Then move one of your pins to make the distance between the two pins a little larger, then draw another ellipse.  Again, compare with your group members.  Repeat this and draw a third ellipse.


a.)                Use the equipment provided to carefully draw an elliptical orbit on your piece of paper.


The positions of your pins are called the foci (singular: focus) of the ellipse.  Next, get a new sheet of paper and draw a single, perfectly drawn ellipse that is nearly circular.


b.)                Label one focus as the Sun, and the other as the secondary focus.


c.)                The point in the orbit furthest away from the Sun is called the “aphelion.”  The closest point is called the “perihelion.”  Label these positions in your orbit.



d.)                Label these parts of your ellipse.


e.)                Measure the major axis in centimeters and record the length here: _______.


An important parameter of an ellipse is the eccentricity (e).  It can be found via the following formula:

                        e = c/a,

where c is half the distance between the foci (here, your tack marks), and a is the semimajor axis.










f.)                 Measure c and a (in cm), and find the eccentricity of your ellipse.  Compare your value of e with those obtained by the other two students in your group.  Comment on the relation between the eccentricity of an ellipse and its shape.


g.)                For an orbit with e=0, what would the value of c be?  How would you place the tacks in order to draw such an orbit? What would the orbit look like, and what would the semimajor axis (a) be called?


h.)                Look at the Solar System Data Table near the end of this lab.  Which planet’s orbit is the most eccentric?  Which is the most circular?


i.)                  Choose three points at random on the perimeter of your ellipse (which could be three possible locations of the planet during its orbit).  Label these points X,Y, and Z.  Fill in the following table.


Distance from               Distance from point                   Total

                                    Sun to point (cm)+        to 2nd focus (cm)          =          Distance (cm)


Point X:                            +                                          =


Point Y:                            +                                          =


Point Z:                            +                                          =



What do you notice?  And where have you seen the numbers in the last column before?




Most of the planetary orbits have quite small eccentricities, which is one of the reasons why they are often called circular. However, the orbits of comets may be much more eccentric.



Kepler’s Second Law:

The line between a planet and the Sun (called the “radius vector”) sweeps out equal areas in equal times.


The orbit of the imaginary Comet Frosty is shown on the last page of this lab.  Comet Frosty travels around the Sun once in exactly 100 years.  It will be at perihelion in the year 2000.


In this section of the lab, you will predict where in its orbit the comet will be at the following times:




j.)                  According to Kepler’s Second Law, how will the area swept out by Frosty’s radius vector between 2000 and 2010, compare to the area swept out…

·        between 2010 and 2020?

·        between 2050 and 2060?

·        Between any two adjacent years in the above list?


Explain your reasoning in detail.




k.)               Fill in the first column of the following table, using Kepler’s Second Law:


Year     Percentage of ellipse’s total                   Position angle of Frosty

                                    area swept out by Frosty’s                    (measured counterclockwise                                        

radius vector since year 2000                from perihelion) – in degrees

                                    See  j.) above.                                      See Comet Frosty Table.














The areas swept out by the radius vector fix the position of the comet in its orbit.  But how do we measure these areas?  It’s not as easy as you might think; there is no simple equation for the area of a swept-out elliptical sector.



In order to plot the position of the comet, we would like to know how these swept-out areas relate to the position angle of the comet (the angle perihelion—Sun—comet, measured counterclockwise from perihelion).  The Comet Frosty Table near the end of this lab will tell you just that.



l.)                  Fill in the last column of the table in part k, using the Comet Frosty Table at the end of the lab, and selecting only the position angles appropriate to the years listed in part k.  Then, with a protractor to measure the position angles, plot the positions of the comet as it orbits the Sun.  Label these positions with the corresponding years.



m.)              Does the comet always travel at the same speed?  If not, at what

position in its orbit does it travel fastest?  slowest?





Kepler’s Third Law:

The square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semimajor axis:

                        p2 = a3

(where P is measured in years, and a is measured in A.U.)


Semimajor axis (a):  This was defined at the beginning of this lab.  Sometimes a planet is closer to the Sun that this distance, and sometimes it is farther away, but the semimajor axis is the average distance from the Sun.  For the Earth, a = 1 A.U. by definition.


Orbital period (P):  This is the amount of time that it takes for the planet to go once around the Sun.  For the earth, this time is one year.


You can see that for Earth, Kepler’s Third Law works (p = 1, a = 1, 12 = 13).



a.)                If the Earth’s orbit had a semimajor axis of 2 A.U., how long would it take to go around the Sun?  Use Kepler’s Third Law to find out, and show your work.



b.)                Choose one planet other than the Earth, and look up its semimajor axis in the Solar System Data Table.  Plug this value into Kepler’s Third Law, and calculate what the orbital period should be.  How does this compare with the value of P given in the table?



p.)        Choose one planet other than the Earth and the one you chose in part o.  Look up its orbital period.  Using Kepler’s Third Law, calculate what the semimajor axis should be.  How does this compare to the value of a given in the table?



Halley’s Comet travels around the Sun in a highly elliptical orbit (e=0.967).  It most recently passed through our neck of the woods in 1986, but it was not very bright, so you might have missed it.  Fortunately, it will be back, although not until the year 2062.


q.)                What is the semimajor axis of Halley’s Comet’s orbit in A.U.?



r.)                 How close to the Sun is Halley’s Comet at perihelion (in A.U.)?

How far away from the Sun is it at aphelion (in A.U.)?

Explain in detail the reasoning by which you obtained these answers, and show all work.


(Hint: To solve this problem, you need both e and a.  It might help to draw a sketch of Halley’s orbit around the Sun).



s.)                When Halley’s Comet is furthest from the Sun, it lies just beyond the orbit of which planet?  (See the Solar System Data Table).



t.)                 Reflect on the ideas presented in this lab.  Write a paragraph conclusion that summarizes the points of the lab, the overall impact of Kepler’s contributions to astronomy, and how these ideas have impacted the way you view the universe.




Solar System Data Table

The following is a table of measured orbital parameters for the nine planets of our Solar System.


Name              Orbital Period Semimajor Axis                     

                        (Earth Years)              (Astronomical Units)              Eccentricity


Mercury           0.241                                       0.387                           0.206

Venus               0.615                                       0.723                           0.007

Earth                1.000                                       1.000                           0.017

Mars                1.881                                       1.524                           0.093

Jupiter              11.87                                       5.205                           0.048

Saturn              29.63                                       9.576                           0.056

Uranus             84.67                                       19.28                           0.050

Neptune           165.5                                       30.14                           0.008

Pluto                251.9                                       39.88                           0.253



Comet Frosty Table


Position angle               Percent of total Position angle               Percent of total

(measured from            area swept out              (measured from            area swept out

perihelion                      by radius vector            perihelion                      by radius vector

in degrees)                    since year 2000            in degrees                     since year 2000

                        0                      0.00%                          180                              50.00%

                        5                      0.05%                          185                              59.52%

                        10                    0.10%                          190                              68.18%

                        15                    0.15%                          195                              75.45%

                        20                    0.20%                          200                              81.18%

                        25                    0.26%                          205                              85.54%

                        30                    0.31%                          210                              88.78%

                        35                    0.37%                          215                              91.18%

                        40                    0.43%                          220                              92.96%

                        45                    0.50%                          225                              94.29%

                        50                    0.57%                          230                              95.31%

                        55                    0.64%                          235                              96.09%

                        60                    0.72%                          240                              96.70%

                        65                    0.81%                          245                              97.18%

                        70                    0.91%                          250                              97.57%

                        75                    1.02%                          255                              97.89%

                        80                    1.14%                          260                              98.15%

                        85                    1.28%                          265                              98.37%

                        90                    1.44%                          270                              98.56%

                        95                    1.63%                          275                              98.72%

                        100                  1.85%                          280                              98.86%

                        105                  2.11%                          285                              98.98%

                        110                  2.43%                          290                              99.09%

                        115                  2.82%                          295                              99.19%

                        120                  3.30%                          300                              99.28%

                        125                  3.91%                          305                              99.36%

                        130                  4.69%                          310                              99.43%

                        135                  5.71%                          315                              99.50%

                        140                  7.04%                          320                              99.57%

                        145                  8.82%                          325                              99.63%

                        150                  11.22%                        330                              99.69%

                        155                  14.46%                        335                              99.74%

                        160                  18.82%                        340                              99.80%

                        165                  24.55%                        345                              99.85%

                        170                  31.82%                        350                              99.90%

                        175                  40.48%                        355                              99.95%

                        180                  50.00%                        360                              100.00%

Orbit of Comet Frosty

Scale:  1 cm = 2.5 AU