Empty Outline


 Use Chapter 10 as a Reference



Outline Grading Criteria


  1. How are autotrophs different from heterotrophs?




  1. Draw a leaf cross section that includes the following:  mesophyll and stomata.  Give the function of each.





  1. Let’s take a look at how the structure of a leaf is adapted to perform its functions. First, make a labeled diagram of a cross section of a leaf. Hint:  See page 178 of your text.


·            Use labeled arrows to show the route taken by the reactants of photosynthesis as they make their way to the chloroplasts in photosynthetic cells, and indicate the path taken by the products of photosynthesis






  1. Give the summary equation for photosynthesis that reflects the net consumption of water.





  1. Photosynthesis is actually a two step process (each step a very complex sequence of events).  Name the processes and where they occur in the cell.

Process                                            Where it occurs



Process                                            Where it occurs


A closer look at the Light reactions

  1. Why do we say that light travels in wavelengths?  What is a wavelength of light?







  1. What is a photon of light?


  1. In the electromagnetic spectrum of light, a very small percentage of wavelengths are visible light.  Why/How can we see these wavelengths?





  1. Three things can happen to a photon of light when it hits a molecule.  What are they? 






  1. What special molecule evolved in the photosynthetic autotrophs that has never appeared in heterotrophs?  Hint:  This molecule is has a green color!!


·        What can this molecule do ?  Be specific!





·    What arrangement inside the chloroplast allows for a large surface area for the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis?  Name the part of the chloroplast involved.



  1. List the approximate wavelengths of light and their respective colors that most plants absorb to energize chlorophyll for photosynthesis.


o       What wavelengths do they reflect back and not use?




  1. What is the name of the first stage of photosynthesis?


In your own words, (not the book’s), describe what happens in this stage of the          process.  Include: what is required, what is produced, what becomes of these end products, and where in the cell all this occurs.  To review what you have read in the book, go to the student CD, chapter 10, activities, and then choose ‘The light reactions’.  There are three ‘frames’ to this activity.  You can advance from one frame to the next by hitting ‘next’ in the upper right hand corner of the screen.  This should help you draw your pictures and picture how this is a fluid process – always in motion.













  1. What is the name of the second stage of photosynthesis?


Again in your own words, describe what happens during this stage.  Include: what materials are required, where they come from, what becomes of the products of this stage, and where in the cell this occurs. To review what you have read in the book, go to the student CD, chapter 10, activities, and then choose ‘The Calvin Cycle’.  There are four ‘frames’ to this activity.  You can advance from one frame to the next by hitting ‘next’ in the upper right hand corner of the screen.















  1. What does a plant do with the glucose it makes?